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Isla Stone: Witch way Page 8


  Being in the portal made me feel safe. I knew the others would kill Tobias for me. Deep down I knew I would not be able to do it myself so maybe this was best. After a few minutes of being pulled upwards everything inside the portal reversed and our body’s changed direction. It felt like we were being dropped. I was being sucked back to present day.

  I had never felt more embarrassed I was going back to tell everyone they were right and I was wrong. I needed to buy myself time so that I could get back there before Tobias to tell them it was him and give them chance to prepare to kill him. The only thing I could do was shoot him with lightening. I turned back even though the force was too strong. I pushed my hand up with all my strength and shot a huge shock wave of fire towards Tobias. The flames were so bright I needed to close my eyes. As I opened my eyes I saw the fire hit him. As it hit him his face started to change. It was like his skin was peeling off. I had never seen this happen before. Maybe I was killing him. Then his hands started to transform and his body started to change. As we were hurtling at super speed through the portal he was changing. After a blink I opened my eyes and hurtling towards the ground with me was not Tobias. It was my sister. Mika.

  I flew back out of the pool in the cave and smashed into the ground nearby. Everything was the same as when I left. My father and the prime minister were still stuck in Mary's trap and Alex and Tobias were sitting with Mary. The only person that was missing was Mika. It was her. My own sister killed our mother.

  “Isla! Are you OK? What did you see?” Tobias asked as he, Mary and Alex jumped up at my return.

  “I would like to inform you all it wasn't Tobias who killed my mother!” I screamed. I figured out already. Mika shape shifted into his body to kill her.

  I looked over to my father. “You should of trusted this daughter.” I shouted angrily at him.

  “Who was it?” my father begged to know the truth.

  “It was this bitch!” I screamed as Mika plummeted out of the water.

  I heard the gasps coming from everyone. This was it. First of all she lied to say Tobias killed my mother and then she did it herself after making me look out to be the bad one. First I was getting an explanation from my sister and then I was going to kill her.

  As my sisters body flew through the air out of the pool I shot her again but not with lightening but with fire. I knew this could kill her but I was past the point of caring. We were only allowed to use fire in exceptional life or death circumstances because unlike lightening we could not control the force of it. She flew into the cave wall rocks smashed to the ground as did her body. She was across from me and lying not too far away from the others.

  “Get up now!” I demanded.

  She was laying on the ground clearly in pain struggling to get up.

  “Get up before I force you too!” I once again demanded.

  Mika was not listening to me. I ran over to her and pulled her off the floor by her hair. She screamed in pain. As soon as I knew she was standing on her own feet I let go of her.

  “Why did you do it?” I asked my sister.

  She smiled at me and did not respond. I raised my hand and slapped her as hard as I could. Her head jugged backwards. How dare she not give me an explanation?

  I grabbed Mika by her throat and pinned her against the stoned sandy wall. I demanded answers from her and she finally spoke.

  “I will kill you with my bare hands if you do not tell me why.” I screamed at her as my hands wrapped tighter around her neck.

  “To be the greatest witch of all time.” she gasped out as she was struggling to breathe.

  It made no sense. Mika had never wanted to be powerful, out of our whole family she wanted nothing more than a 'normal' life.

  I loosened up my hands so that she could speak clearly.

  “you thought you were going to be the most powerful out of us both. Why not me? You always had to be better than me didn't you?” she said with jealousy all over her face.

  How could she kill our mother because of that. There must have been another reason. Mika raised her hand and smacked me in the face. I was shocked. She waved her hand towards my father and the prime minister and Mary's trap broke a part.

  Mika walked over to the prime minister full of confidence, she seemed so pleased with herself. As they were face to face she raised her hand and gently placed it on his cheek.

  “I did it baby. We can finally be the most powerful leaders in the world.” she said to him as they both cackled. She then leant on to her tip toes as they kissed. My father seemed just as shocked as all of us. My father walked towards me to stand by my side.

  “I am so sorry.” he said as he stood by me.

  Tobias, Alex and Mary also stood close to my father and I.

  “I got it for you.” continued Mika as she was facing the prime minister. She put the palm of her hand out flat in front of him. The prime minister placed the palm of his hand on hers. A small spark shot in between the pair of them. The spark went all around his hand until it stopped. But it did not just disappear it was sucked into a ring. The exact same ring that I saw in Tobias' past. The same ring the cloaked man was wearing.

  “What are you pair doing?” questioned my father.

  “we are taking over.” replied the Prime-minister smugly.

  How could I have not seen this coming?

  “We now have your mothers power to see the future, which makes me the most powerful leader in the world. If you did not protect Tobias it would have been him. But its a good job I found someone who hates your family as much as I do, your lovely sister.” revealed the prime-minister.

  “You are the cloaked man, that's why you left the night in the alleyway isn't it?” I asked.

  Being prime-minister meant he was a pretty powerful person in the real world, but with the ring he was also powerful in the supernatural world. This was a bad combination and even I knew bad things would happen because of it.

  “I will tell everyone at the office, they will have you removed from your position with immediate effect and as soon as they find out about this it will be goodbye for you prime-minister.” shouted my father.

  “Daddy, I don't think that's going to happen. You have no proof or even witnesses.” laughed Mika.

  “He has us, you silly girl.” Came from Mary's mouth. I could tell she was worried by the tone in her voice.

  “Actually. The only people who know about this are the three crazy women protecting a murderer and the murderer himself.” said Mika as she pointed towards myself, Mary, Alex and Tobias.

  “What about me? You know I will take you down.” Angrily replied my father.

  “Goodbye Dad.” screamed Mika.

  She raised her right hand whilst holding on to the prime-ministers ring finger with her left hand. Out of the palm on her right hand she shot out fire. None of us saw it coming. It blasted into my fathers chest. It instantly burnt through his clothes. I could hear my father screaming in pain and I knew there was nothing I could do. I was not one to give up but it was too late. My fathers cries had stopped. I knew it was over. He was dead and I was to weak to fight Mika and the Prime-minister on my own.

  “Thanks guys its been great! You will all be next.” laughed Mika.

  She clapped her hands together and an explosion appeared around her and the prime-minister blasting us off our feet.

  “We need to leave. We need to find safety. Then we will fight. This is going to be a war.” Mary said taking over in our time of need.

  “I have an idea!” shouted Alex. We all paused and looked at her. “They only have the power to look into the future. Why don't we use the pool of water to actually go to the future and see what will happen if we let them take over. It will not only prepare us for what may come of the war but we will know more than a vision can show. It will also give us the strength and motivation to fight. We will win this war.”

  This was the most serious I had ever seen Alex, she was doing a great job at being a witc
h even though she was not one. I was proud of her. Not many people could say they have a best friend who is literally going to war to protect them. Alex was one of a kind.

  One by one we all jumped into the pool to see what the future would hold for us. I was last. For the second time tonight I jumped into the pool.


  Just like earlier in the night I fell through the pool. I physically did not feel anything this time. I was too busy thinking about Mika. How could my sweet and innocent little sister do this to my family. Not only did she kill my mother but now my father. I did not understand why she would did it. Power was never what she wanted.

  Once again my body was dragged down into the portals darkness. Slam! I thudded onto the floor, this time it felt like the fall was much harder on my body. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was expecting to see Tobias, Mary and Alex to be waiting for me. But there was no one there. It was freezing cold. The sky was still dark as night was coming to an end. I stood up. I was outside the house. My childhood home, the same house I met Tobias on the night of mine and Samuels engagement and also the same house in which my fake wedding to Samuel did not go to plan. It was not the same. The windows were gone and shards of glass were scattered everywhere.

  The walls of the house were stained with black fire scorch marks. The trees and bushes in the garden were completely overgrown. It was as though nobody had lived here. My childhood memories seemed as though they happened in a completely different place. I walked over to the front door. It was hanging on its hinges. As I walked into the house everything was ruined. A damp smell hovered under my nose.

  I walked into the living room and a few rats ran past my feet. They frightened the life out of me. The walls were thick with black smoke marks and the expensive wall art and wallpaper were nothing but a distant memory. As I slowly walked around I felt a crunch. I looked down towards my feet to see what I had stepped on. It was a photograph. I bent down to pick it up. The edges were ripped and ragged. It was a photo of Me and Mika with our father as children.

  I can still remember the day the photo was taken. It was the summer after our Mother had died. My father had taken my sister and I to the lake for a picnic. She spent all day clinging to him. Even in the picture she was staring up to him. She adored him. How she could turn on him like this just bewildered me. I did not understand and I knew I never would. As far as I was concerned Mika was now an evil witch. I knew I would have to kill her. The thought of it terrified me. Being the person to take her last breath from her was a devastating thought. This made it more difficult for me to understand how she could do that to our parents.

  I was uneasy about how the house had become this derelict burnt out building, I did not even want to imagine what had happened here. Maybe this was were I was going to kill my sister. Maybe the house was in this state because of our last fight. Maybe I knew I would never be able to return to the place I killed her and just left it to rot or maybe this was the place that she would take my last breath and leave the memory of our family to rot.

  I left the house in search for the others. There was no objects around to even help me figure out what year I was in, I had no ideas where the others would be or what would face me on the streets of this future world. I made my way down the once elegant driveway of my family home.

  I walked down the high street where Alex and I would spend all of our pocket money as teenagers, it was quiet. Too quiet for my liking. Since arriving in the future I had not seen another human being. The shops were empty and the roads had no cars on. It was strange. I had no way of contacting the others but knew I needed too.

  As I got to the end of the high street I reached the village church. The church was the only thing that looked the same. It was as though it had frozen in time. I made the decision to walk into the graveyard. This was always my hiding place when Mika and I would play hide and seek as children as I knew she would never go into the graveyard on her own, all of these memories of my sweet innocent sister made it more difficult for me to come to the realisation that she killed both my mother and father.

  I mean come on, she was too scared to even walk into a graveyard for crying out loud! Now she was on a killing spree starting with her own family and I knew I would probably be next. As I walked further into the site I could see a women walking with a young girl. I hid behind the tree. As I peaked around to look I saw them come to a stop at a gravestone. I knew that area. It was the same part of the church grounds we buried my mother. The only difference in this time was that around her head stones were a few more. Some that I had never seen before.

  The little girl placed a rose on one of the headstones and knelt down. The woman turned around and looked me right in the eyes. I flung my body back behind the tree. I was terrified the woman might know who I was. A lot can change in a matter of years and considering I did not know what year it was I was taking a risk by being seen by someone who may of known me in the past. I tried to slower my breathing so I would not be heard.

  “Isla! I know its you quickly come here” said a familiar voice that soothed me.

  I showed myself. I was not expecting to see who I did but there she was. Looking older, completely different hair colour and a scar that went straight down the left side of her face from her temple to her chin. It was Alex.

  “ I was waiting for you to come. You need to change the future. The world has changed since you died.” Alex rushed as if she was afraid of being heard.

  Since I died? I always knew there was a chance I would be killed one day, being who I am, not a day goes by in which I don't think about it. But, dying this young was not an option for me.

  “I don't understand? What has happened?” I asked desperate to know how I died.

  “I cant tell you too much, But, I can say your sister and the prime-minister followed through with their plan. They have taken over not only the country but the world. They have killed off major witches and powerful beings as well as many world leaders. Most people are too afraid to leave their homes. The world is a different place today. Your death meant there was no one left to lead the fight.” explained Alex.

  “who is the girl?” I asked, although a part of me just from looking at her knew the answer.

  “Your daughter. I have protected her for you now but I know you will go back and change things so that one day her destiny to be a great witch will be fulfilled..” Alex responded with the answer I was expecting.

  As I wanted to know more a wind picked up, the skies opened and my portal was waiting for me. I knew I needed to go back now or I would never know when my next opportunity would be.

  “You need to go, but remember this day. It will give you the courage you need to fight and win. You will avenge your parents deaths and the truth just needs to be discovered. I believe in you Isla and so does she.” Alex pointed at my stomach as she said this.

  I had thought it but I was not sure. Mary hinted a few times but I was just concentrating on other things to believe it. I was pregnant. This was more of a reason for me to go back and fight. Not just to get my revenge for the death of my parents but also to give my daughter the future she needs.

  Once again my body drifted through the portal. I slammed into the wall this time though as I arrived back out of the pool of water and into the cave. I opened my eyes to see Tobias holding a rag up against Alex's face. Mary was not there.

  “Where did you go?!” shouted Tobias with a worrying yet authoritative tone.

  “Clearly not the same place as you!” I replied.

  Alex was crying as blood poured out of the side of her face. It was coming from the same place the scar on her face was in the future. I had no idea where they had been or what had happened to them.