Isla Stone: Witch way Page 7
As I looked over towards the others I saw Mika shoot Tobias with lightening as well. Just like me he flew into the air and came crashing down.
“I killed the killer!” screeched Mika from the top of her lungs as she cackled.
Unbeknown to Mika, Tobias was not dead. He hurled off the ground and pushed her into a nearby rocky wall. I could see Tobias and Mika struggling with each other trying to fight. My father and the prime-minister ran over to them but Mary blasted them with a huge gust of wind that formed a small tornado around them. Mary trapped them. They were sealed. No one could ever escape Mary's tornado traps, unless she let them.
Mary ran over to me. “Get in the pool!” she demanded.
I could barely stand let alone get into the pool. There was no way I could do it.
“The power of the water will heal you and if you think about the night of your mothers death you will be taken there. Isla, you will finally know the truth. We will all finally know the truth. You can prove them all wrong. You will be the hero.” Mary said to me.
I knew there was no way I could stand so I slowly rolled my body over. I slumped over the edge of the pool and my body fell into the water. It was weird. Even though I was in a huge pool of water I did not feel wet. My body felt dry.
I started to feel normal again. The pain in my muscles slowly disappeared.
I paused my thoughts. I was not sure if I was ready to go back and find out the truth. What if I was stupid in love and Tobias actually did kill my mother. I knew time travel was dangerous. I could ruin one thing and change the future drastically.
I knew I had to go back and see for myself what really happened the night of my mothers death. Even though I was terrified I was also ready. This was it. I thought so hard about that night. I was ready. I put all of my effort and concentration into thinking about the night. Suddenly I felt my self being dragged under the water. I could still breathe, and I was still completely dry. I could no longer see the others. As I looked down towards my feet there was a few more meters of the pool left and then complete darkness.
I had never done this before and I had never heard of anyone else who had. I was unsure what was going to happen next. My feet hit the darkness, followed by my legs, I felt the cold hit them straight away and then my whole body just dropped into the darkness. I was free falling. Slam! I hit the floor.
I looked back up to where I had fallen from, there was a flash of light and the tunnel of water above me closed back up and caused a loud bang. Confused I quickly jumped up to see where I was. I was there. Outside my house. I knew it was not present day because the swing Mika and I played on as children was there right in front of me.
The front door opened. Standing there was my mother. The light from inside the house glowed around her as if she were an angel. I didn't want her to see me. I knew if she saw me it could intervene with what was meant to be. I would do anything to save my mum from her death but even I knew that everything happens for a reason. I quickly jumped behind the bushes that were located opposite the front door that way I could see her but she could not see me.
“Isla? I know you are there.” it was my mothers voice. Hearing it made me feel emotional.
She must of saw me coming in a vision. I did not want to stand up and talk to her. Losing her the first time was bad enough but losing her all over again would be worse.
“My darling girl, please come out. I have saw this day coming for some time now. I am not afraid.” My mother said gently.
Stuff it. Not many people get the opportunity to speak to a lost loved one. I needed to take it. I slowly stood up. My legs were wobbling together. I was scared. I knew I was going to see how she died. This was the most bitter sweet moment of my life. I was going to see and speak to my mother for the first time since she died but then knowing she was going to die all over again was heartbreaking.
“Mum. I have missed you so much.” I cried.
My mother and I slowly walked towards each other. She gently wrapped her arms around me. I felt safe. Growing up without her was so hard. I felt like I needed to burst and tell her everything she was going to miss about my life.
“I know the great things you have achieved already in life and all the great amazing things you will achieve after this day. I am proud of you.” She said to me.
I embraced her hug. It was so nice to be with my mother again. I did not want this to end. A flash of light shot down from the sky. I knew what it was. This was the portal opening again. Someone was coming. Maybe it was my mothers killer. The wind picked up and the leaves started to fall from the trees and blow all around the air.
“This is it Isla. My time has come, I will be aright. I love you.” my mother said reassuringly.
I couldn't leave her. I dreamt about coming back to this night and changing it for as long as I could remember. Maybe I could get my revenge before I even needed to; I could kill my mothers killer before they even killed her.
“I am not leaving you!” I cried.
“Isla we have a matter of minutes before someone comes through that portal and we both know what happens next. You need to get yourself away from me sit back and watch. You know everything happens for a reason. This is all a part of you fulfilling your destiny. You were right you will be the greatest witch alive one day. But, that will never happen if I am still here. I love you darling now please go.” said my mother.
I was devastated.
It all makes sense now. I knew she would have foreseen her own death and the only reason she let this person take her life was because she knew it would help me achieve my destiny. I gently kissed my mothers cheek and walked away from her. I slowly crouched down and hid behind a tree trunk that was not too far from the entrance to the house. I was now looking at the portal get stronger and stronger. The wind was thrashing everything around it. My mother stood in front of it. Then out of nowhere. Silence.
Thud! The noise I heard was the same noise my body made as I fell out of the portal and hit the floor. Someone was here. I was finally about to see what happened to my mother. I could see my mother walking closer to where the portal had disappeared from. I could not see who had travelled through.
My mother spoke to the person. “ How could you do this to me. I have not done anything wrong. I am not going to fight back so do what you have to do.”
There was a tree in the way so I still couldn't see who it was. As I looked up towards the top of the house I could see a young Mika looking through the window just as I remember her doing on this night.
I heard a screech and light flashed upon the whole house. My mother flew into the wall outside the house. She was being held up against the wall with a huge lightening bolt. I had never seen a witch shoot lightening like it before. So I knew the person must have been extremely powerful. I still could not see who it was. My mothers howls became too much for me. She was still being pinned up by the lightening as her whole body was being shocked. I could not stand watching her in this pain. I had to intervene. I did not care what I would change in the future I needed to protect my mother like any child would when they see their parent so close to death. I jumped out from behind the tree and ran as fast as I could to get closer to my mother.
As I got closer to her I could see the veins all over her body popping through her skin. She was going to die. I turned away from her and my eyes slowly followed the bolt of lightening right the way down to the person who was shooting it. There he was. Someone I had trusted. I was crushed. I always knew it was a possibility it would be him but after everything he had said and done not only did I not want it to be him but I really thought it was impossible for it to be him. It was my husband Tobias.
I screamed from the top of my lungs and used all my strength to shoot him with my very own lightening. It was the most powerful shot that I had ever done. But as it hit his chest it bounced straight off him. He was not phased in the slightest. He carried on killing my mother.
“Why?!” I screamed and crie
This was horrific. I was trapped in my own body. My emotions stopped me from doing anything. All I could do was stand there and watch as my own husband kills my Mother.
The lightening stopped. My mothers body dropped down the side of the house. The scorch marks on the wall were still smoking. Her body slumped to the ground.
I was heartbroken and in shock. I was going to get revenge even if it meant killing my own husband. I felt so stupid. I had never felt such pain in my life. Losing my mother was painful enough anyway but this made it worse. How could I have been so stupid and fall for his lies.
It was as though time had slowed down and once again like many times before everything was moving in slow motion. I looked over to the man I loved and there was, nothing in his eyes. No guilt and no remorse. I looked over at my mothers dead body and screamed. I lost all sensation in my legs. I dropped to the floor and cried. Tobias just stood, staring at the damage he had caused. I could hear the cries of myself and Mika coming from upstairs. I just wanted to go and comfort the younger us and tell us everything would be be fine and it would get better. But, it was not going to be. How could it be fine to betray your family and protect your mothers killer for so long? My mother died and it was pretty much all my fault. If only I had just killed Tobias the night of Mine and Samuel's engagement, none of this would of happened. I would never of gone through the last few months of protecting him I would never of led him to this night and he would of never of been able to come back here and kill my mother. My mothers death was my fault, if anyone was her killer it was me.
I deserved the death sentence. I pretty much lured my mothers killer to her. I deserved to suffer.
But, the reason I protected Tobias was because of the visions my mother had sent me. None of it made sense. I looked up and saw Tobias turn away.
“No! Get back here!” I demanded.
As he turned around to face me his whole body froze. The trees which were blowing in the wind also froze. Time had officially stopped. A glow appeared around my mothers body. An old man appeared standing next to her. He was very old. He looked like a slim Santa. His beard white and long just like his hair. He was draped in white cloth.
“Who are you?” I questioned the man.
“Death. I'm here to take your mother to the after life.” he replied with no emotion.
He was clearly used to situations like this. There was no fear in his eyes, or sadness. Standing right there in front of me was the being everyone on earth feared, supernatural or not. No one ever wanted to come across death and as far as I was aware no living person had ever met him before. Did this mean it was my time?
“How come I can see you?” I asked him.
Death was still standing over my mothers lifeless body. He paused for a moment, it was as if he were thinking about his next move.
“We need you to have this chance. I am not on a side. Whether you are good or evil my job is simple, I collect the soul and take them to their afterlife. Your mother is one of the most powerful people to have ever existed, well she would have been. Her death is tragic.” Death informed me.
I was confused. That did not really answer my question. Death slowly raised his left hand above my mothers head. Her body was still smoking. Her body straightened out. Her legs flat, her arms gently folded over her stomach and she slowly raised from the ground and her lifeless body levitated mid air in front of death. The bright glow that was surrounding her body started to shift and fall slowly back to the ground. My mother started to appear around the glow and follow it back to ground. She was not in human form she was a spirit and if it was not for the transparency through her body no one would be able to tell the difference.
As her spirit slowly stood up and walked over to death her soulless body fell back to the ground.
Both my mother's spirit and death turned to face me.
“Isla, your mother died so that you could fulfil your destiny. We have seen beyond this day, we know where your path in life will take you. The loss you will suffer will help ensure you are completely emotionally ready for the biggest battle the supernatural world has ever seen.” Revealed death.
My mother then continued on from deaths speech with her voice sounding more angelic than ever. “Darling, all is not as it seems. You need to figure out the truth for yourself. The visions you had that led you to protecting Tobias were not sent to you from me. You have the power. You inherited it from me. You are more powerful than most. They may have gotten rid of my peoples visions from our world but they failed to figure out my eldest born would of inherited the gift.”
It made sense, I thought maybe the visions may have been my own but a part of me always wanted them to have been from my mother. It made me feel like she was watching over me.
“We must go now. Remember, Everything happens for a reason and not all is as it seems. You have followed your own instincts to this day and they are helping you get one step closer to figuring out the truth. Never give up on your gift. You are going to do great things my girl. Your destiny will be fulfilled. Good luck my dear. Love you always.” My mother said emotionally as she waved to me. Her spirit and death flashed up into the sky.
Nothing made sense to me. I had so much to figure out. What would the biggest battle be and the truth about what? There must have been a reason for me to of felt the need to protect Tobias.
Time started to resume as the trees began to blow in the wind again. I saw Tobias quickly walking away into the distance. I knew I needed answers from him. I shot him with my lightening he fell to the floor. I ran as quickly as I could.
He got up off the ground.
“Leave me alone.” he demanded in the voice that I fell in love with.
“Why? I gave up everything for you. My family, my life! Just tell me why?!” I needed answers. I wanted the truth.
He stared at me blankly. How could the man that I always referred to as the lost little boy have no emotion in his face what so ever after killing someone. Our whole relationship was based on a lie and he betrayed me the same way I betrayed my family. I wanted to kill him but something was stopping me. My love for him maybe?
I always said my destiny was to be the greatest witch of all time and that I would never fall in love because that was a witches biggest downfall. But, like most I fell in love. I was convinced probably like every witch before me that I could still be a great witch even if I was in love. Unfortunately for me falling in love with Tobias was the biggest mistake I had ever made. He was the killer of my mother and for what reason I did not know.
“Leave me!” he demanded. He pushed me to the ground.
When people have spoken about heartbreak I did not think it was as severe as this. I mean being betrayed by someone you love is bad enough as it is but this was one hundred times worse than anything I could imagine. I got up and shot Tobias with a lightening bolt.
He was laying on the ground in front of me and as I stood above him for the first time there was emotion. I could tell he was scared.
“I always said I would kill my mothers murderer so goodbye Tobias.” I said to my husband.
This was it. I was going to kill the man I had fallen in love with. I never thought it would come to this, I dreamt of having this man's children and us living happily ever after. But, unfortunately for me real life has no happy endings. This was it. Everything was over. I took a step back ready to give my all into shooting him with lightening.
Then the skies changed. The portal re-emerged. The wind was strong once again. I needed to kill him. Before it was too late. He jumped up and tackled me to the floor. He was too strong for me. His body was over me I was using all my strength to push him off me. I knew I needed to get back into the portal before it was too late. We could both die if not. I dug my nails into the back of his neck. I could feel the blood slowly surround the tips of my fingers. He screamed with pain. I quickly lifted my leg and raised my knee in between his legs. He rolled off of me and into the grass in pain.
I cr
awled away from him as quickly as I could and scrambled off the ground towards the portal in the air. I jumped up and felt my body being raised into the portal. This was it. I needed to get away from him if the portal closes just in time he would be left behind and die. Then I felt his hands grab on to my ankles. I tried my best to kick him off but nothing. He was being lifted up with me and it was either he came back with me or we both stayed and died.