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Isla Stone: Witch way Page 6
Isla Stone: Witch way Read online
Page 6
We needed to leave now, before someone else came for us. Luckily Tobias and Mary both came around from their falls.
We all left the cottage with Mary leading the way. We quickly made are way into the forest. That was a close call, I thought. All of us were going to be killed. Once again we had narrowly escaped death.
“This way, quickly!” shouted Mary.
She turned sharply into a tiny gap between two bushes. In front of us was a humongous rocky hill. Which looked like it could crumble a part before our very eyes.
“How the hell do you expect us to get over that?” Alex said rolling her eyes.
“I don't expect anyone to get over it. We are going in it.” Mary replied.
Tobias and Alex looked just as confused as I did. Mary walked over to the crumbling rocky hill and tapped a boulder that was leaning against a few of the rocks that were sticking out of the hill. She did this a few times.
I was ready to ask Mary if she was sure she knew what she was doing when the ground started shaking. The rocks started to fall from the top of the hill to the bottom. As all of the rocks began to fall a small alleyway was created right in front of the spot Mary was standing.
I had always admired Mary but things like this just made me idolise her a touch more. She knew everything about the supernatural world. She was probably more in the know about the going ons in our world than my father and that was his job.
Tobias gently held my hand as we slowly walked into the alleyway. As soon as I stepped in I could feel a warm breeze. It was hot. Very hot. Also, the smell of damp exploded into my nostrils, the place was stinking. It was pitch black but there was a light shining not too far away from us. As we got closer to the light the heat was getting more intense. I suppose this was because we were underground.
Eventually we reached the end of the walk way. I was astonished at what was before my eyes. In front of us was a huge pool of water. But this water was not ordinary it was glowing. The water brightened up the whole of the underground cave we were in.
“What is it?” Tobias asked Mary.
“This is where it all began.” revealed Mary.
Mary went on to explain to us that the pool of water was a source of magic and could possibly be were the supernatural world was created. I was amazed. This place was unknown to the world yet Mary trusted us enough to come here. Mary went on to explain how we were going to use the pool as a method of transport.
“All you have to do is think of the place you would like to go and then jump in and you will be there.” said Mary.
Nowhere was safe though. Everyone in the supernatural world would be on the lookout for us. We had no idea where we could go. We needed to find a way to prove Tobias was innocent. That was going to be impossible. We had the same amount of ideas to prove it since day one. Zero.
“We have to fight.” Tobias mumbled.
“What?!” I yelled back.
“There is no other option, we have to confront them and make them give me a fair trial. I will probably get killed but at least you three will still have a chance at a normal life, its better than a life on the run.” I couldn't believe this was coming out of Tobias' mouth.
If we confronted them they would kill him straight away. I ignored all of Tobias' requests of handing himself over to help us live a 'normal' life.
“Isla, it might be the only way out.” Mary gently said.
How could they all be saying this? We had worked so hard to protect Tobias and now they all wanted to give up! I was not going to let Tobias hand himself in. I loved him and I knew my life would never be complete without him. After hours of arguing with each other about the next step we would all take, Mary suggested we all got some rest and slept.
Tobias and I slept next to each other on the hard warm floor of the cave. It was difficult to fall asleep due to the brightness of the pool, although that did not stop Mary and Alex from snoring away. Tobias and I had not spoken a word since his suggestion. As we were lying there all we did was look into each others eyes.
He was not allowed to confront them. I loved him too much to let him go. After sharing this time with him over the last few months I knew I would never be able to have a future without him. He had a little grin on his face. I loved that, the fact with everything that was happening he still had time to smile.
“I love you too much to let go” I poured my heart out to Tobias. I wanted him to make sure he did not do anything stupid.
Tobias kissed me on the forehead and moved back to look into my eyes again. He opened his mouth. For some strange reason I knew what he was going to say. I felt like a child at Christmas. My heart was pounding and my knees started to tremble.
“Marry me?”
My body felt dull as I woke up. Probably because we had been sleeping on the hard floor. Mary, Alex and Tobias were all sitting together a few feet away from me. They were all staring at me.
“Congratulations.” screamed Alex.
“Thanks. But when will we ever get the chance to get married? It wont be until all of this is over anyway.” I said back. I was disappointed because I would marry him straight away if I could.
“It shall be today, my dear. I have the power to marry you under supernatural law. If you want it you can have it. Right here today.” Mary said to me as she walked over and gave me a soothing hug. “I’ll sort it all out for you.” she continued.
Mary and Tobias left the cave to sort out everything for the day. Alex and I were once again talking about my wedding. But this time it was for real. I was in real love and nothing had ever felt so right.
“Isla, you know I have your back one hundred per cent. We will find a way to prove that Tobias is innocent. Everything will figure itself out in the end. You have always told me everything happens for a reason and there is a bigger reason all of this is happening.” said Alex as she put her arm around me and wished me luck for my marriage.
I loved Alex. She was the most supportive person ever. She was like a sister to me and I would do anything for her and I knew she felt the exact same about me. What she said was true all of this was going to lead to something much bigger. My mother would not have led me here if Tobias and I were not meant to be.
Mary and Tobias arrived back at the cave. Mary walked over to me carrying a dress.
“How did you-?” I couldn't even finish my sentence before Mary replied.
“I am prepared for everything”
It was the exact same one I had always imagined. It was beautiful, just what I would have chosen.
“You go and get changed outside with Alex and come back and everything will be ready.” Mary instructed.
Both me and Alex left the cave down the same Alleyway we entered the day before. It still had the horrible stench to it. To my surprise when we got outside snow had settled on the ground. The sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sun was reflecting off the snow. It was freezing cold and I was standing in the snow in the middle of a forest changing into my dream wedding dress. Not what I imagined but it was still perfect.
Alex helped me zip up the dress and fix up my hair. I was so ready for this. I was about to marry the real love of my life. I was excited more than I had ever been in my life.
We both walked back down the alleyway, this time I did not notice the smell I suppose this was because of how happy I was. Alex put her hand on my shoulder and wished me good luck. We entered the cave. Just like the day before I was astonished once again.
Mary had covered the pace in white roses. They were everywhere, hanging down the sides of the cave on top of the pool of glowing water lilly-pads floated around also with white roses on. Alex walked off ahead of me and was now standing next to the pool with Tobias and Mary. I made my way down the rocky slope towards the pool.
This was so different to the first time I walked down the aisle. Of course it was a different location, different dress and obviously a different man but, the main difference was the way I was
feeling. This time it was right. This time it was going to last and not because I wanted power but because I was in true love. I was doing the right thing and I was happy. I finally reached the others and was standing opposite Tobias. He was still wearing his normal clothes as were Alex and Mary but it made me feel special that they had created the dress of my dreams for me to make it special. It was nice to know that even though my own family were out to get me I still had people to rely on.
Mary began conducting the ceremony. “Today, I am investing the power given to me by the supernatural spirits of past and present to align true love, today Isla and Tobias will marry under the consent of the supernatural order. They will now both share their promises and vows for each other.”
Tobias' eyes were red and blurry when he began to say his promise.
“Isla, the beauty you possess is unreal. I never thought I would love. But from the first day I saw you , I knew you were the one. You are the only person to have ever believed in me. You love like no being. You will do anything for anyone and that is what makes you truly one of a kind. Your inner beauty reflects on everyone and everything you come across. You see good in everyone. You have protected me from day one and my promise to you is that I will protect you, from now until death and I will continue to protect you in the world after death. I will do anything for you and most importantly I will love your now until forever.”
I had a lump in my throat, tears were streaming down my face. I was happy; sad. It was my turn to give Tobias my promise and with a shaky voice I did.
“Tobias, I don't even know where to begin. From the moment I first saw you and even to this day you intrigue me. I am still in awe of you and I don't ever see that changing. My love for you is the strongest kind of love. It is eternal love and I know I will be with you in this world and the next. Before you my life had no real meaning. I wanted to be powerful and the best. You brought me clarity you made me realise there was more to life than power. You made me realise that I did not need power to be the best. Being with you has made me the best person I can possibly be, my destiny was not to be the best witch ever it is to be the best person I can be and find true love which is what I have gotten from you. So, Tobias my promise to you is that no matter where this path might take us I will stand along side you. I will always fight for you whilst giving you all of my love and even if that means giving you my last breath then so be it. I love you now and I know for a fact I will love you more and more as each day passes.”
“Under supernatural law you are both now Husband and wife. You are now a union of power and I am sure you can fight the fight you need to in order to create the next generation. Who I foresee to be great.”
Tobias and I kissed. His lips on mine. It felt so right. Even though we were going through a dark time this was still the happiest day of my life.
“I think I have an idea to prove Tobias is innocent!” excitedly yelled Alex.
We all stopped and turned to her. She continued...
“If we can use the pond to transport us places why cant we use it to transport our selves back in time to prove Tobias is innocent?”
I was excited for a minute as I thought she was on to something. I felt bad because for someone who does not know much about the supernatural community that is a good plan.
I decided to break the news that her plan would not work and informed her of the reason why. “Because, time travel has been removed from the supernatural world by the human world leaders as they fear that we could change major events to help benefit certain countries. So time travel no longer exists.”
“Actually, that was the plan. It was removed from the places they knew it existed. Like I said. No one knows about this place.” revealed Mary.
I was amazed. There was finally a way I could find out who actually did kill my mother. I could finally live a normal life with Tobias.
“Don't you even dare. Time travel is against the laws of our human world and your supernatural world.” a familiar voice shouted deeply.
I turned around as I was startled by the voice. My worst fears had come true. We had been found. Standing at the top of the slope that leads to the pool was the prime minister, my father and Mika.
I grabbed Tobias with one hand and Alex with my other. This was it. We could not be the first to fight as we would be the bad guys. We would have to get hit first and then attack.
“How did you find us?!” questioned Mary.
“I never imagined you to be so stupid Mary, but did you really think you could conduct a supernatural wedding ceremony and the information would not reach us?” My father said in the same tone he spoke in when Mika and I were naughty when we were children.
“Isla you have betrayed us you bitch!” screamed Mika as she blasted a gust of wind at me. I flew up in the air and crashed to the ground. Pain shot through my whole body as I got up.
“Well, Well baby Mika has finally grown a pair of balls. I think the first hit came from you. So anything from us would be self defence.” I said sarcastically to my little sister.
Mika stood grinning at me. I was not having that. I let her get away with so much as a child and now she has just blasted me with her powers and I never reacted to her. But she also had the audacity to stand there and stare at me with a grin. I could not help myself but I had to wipe the grin off her face. I blasted low voltage lightening bolts at my father and the prime-minister both of them flew back into the wall and slumped to the ground.
“Isla! What are you doing?!” I heard coming from Tobias, Mary and Alex.
“I am teaching this little bitch a lesson. I don't need to use my powers on her to do that!” I shouted as I ran towards Mika. I had never been so angry with her. It was like I completely lost control of my own body.
I was finally face to face with Mika.
Mika laughed at me and said “ I hope you and your disgusting boyfriend both get killed and by the way Alex you are a disgrace to humans taking a murderers side over my family's who have helped you through so much.”
My temper was well and truly lost as I raised my hand and smacked it forward into Mika's face. The sting of the slap hurt my hand. It was tingling.
“Why are you lying? Are you jealous? Because I am actually happy?!” I screamed at Mika.
“Jealous, jealous of what?! I have nothing to be jealous of. He is nothing, he killed our mother why can you not see that?!” As Mika shouted this I felt her spit hit my cheek.
“You are a liar! Tell the truth!” I yelled. At this point I was so frustrated at Mika I grabbed her hair and ragged her towards me like she was a toy doll.
We ended up rolling around the floor. Alex was trying to intervene but she had no luck. There was no way I was letting Mika get away with lying I wanted the truth.
“Stop now! You are family!” my fathers shout echoed around the cave.
As far as I was concerned my father's opinion no longer mattered to me. I would not listen to him. Right now in this fight he was an enemy. You are not my family. I hate you.
“Isla! You are all being sentenced to death unless you all admit you have made a mistake.” said the prime-minister.
“He is innocent. We are protecting an innocent man, and I will fight to the death to prove his innocence even if it means I die trying.” I yelled at the prime-minister.
My father screamed from the top of his lungs and shot me with a bolt of lightening. I was blasted off the ground and my whole body smashed into the top of the cave. It felt like the whole thing was happening in slow motion. Pain was thrashing every single muscle in my body. The pain probably would have been worse if I weren't in so much shock. I never thought my own father would hit me with such a force of lightening. My body hurled back to the ground at such a speed and I hit the floor with a thud right next to the pool of water. Everything was blurred and I could not see properly but I was alive, and that was all that mattered.