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Isla Stone: Witch way Page 5
Isla Stone: Witch way Read online
Page 5
We all sat around drinking Mary's soup. I wanted to throw up every time I took a sip but, I knew I needed my strength back if I was going to be fighting.
“I've decided we need to give Alex some sort of Powers. So I have come up with some emergency combinations of power in these small jars for Alex to use in case of emergency, And for you Tobias we have found a real live power for you to keep.” announced Mary.
I nodded my head in agreement as I knew we all needed to be ready for a battle at any time and we all needed to be on top of our game.
“How are we going to get out of this? We are all part of this now. None of us will be able to live normally after this. Unless we can find a way to prove Tobias is innocent. They will get us and kill us.” cried Alex.
Even though Alex knew all about this world I knew she was not coping well with what was happening. I felt bad because I dragged her into the protection circle but I knew If I did not take her they would find out Tobias had been with her and probably kill her. I put my arm around her and apologised for getting her involved.
I was still in my wedding dress. Which had burns all over it from the fight at the wedding, blood all over it from when I punched the tree and mud all over it from when I cried on the ground. Mary chucked a black rucksack at me. I opened it and inside were clothes for myself, Tobias and Alex.
“I saw this coming, and of course as always I came prepared.” chuckled Mary.
“You still have your psychic powers?” I desperately asked.
“Well as you have learned from the last twenty four hours, I break the rules and I don't care.” she joked back.
We had been up for at least two hours now and I had only just noticed that the other three women that had helped us had gone.
“where are the other three?” I questioned.
“There job has been done. They have played there part and they are no longer needed.” Mary revealed.
“Are you sure they can be trusted? I mean what if they tell people where we are.?” Tobias asked.
“Trust me Tobias.” Mary said in a secretive yet soothing tone. Which made us all feel a bit relieved.
I still could not get over the fact that I was sitting in the ruins of a cottage in the middle of nowhere on the run from my own family for trying to protect and innocent man and planning on how we were going to fight back if they found us.
Mary had come up with a plan, she knew a magical connection between 4 items that would enable us to see what my father and everyone else was doing. We would be able to see what was going on and what they were planning on doing next. First of all we needed to get the three items. We already had 2 of them, fire and and DNA connection to the person you are trying to see. For the DNA connection we decided we would cut my hand and a droplet of blood of mine should help us see my father. Then lastly we needed to get the eye of a living cow.
We knew it would not be hard finding the cows as there was farmland not too far from the cottage. The problem was we had to cut it out of the cow. Tobias and I set off to find the last item on the list.
We followed a narrow path in the forest. It was the first time we had properly been alone in a long time. I needed him, it had not changed since the first time we kissed. I wanted him I craved him all the time. I just wanted to rip his clothes off. I went in for the kiss and he kissed me back. I felt his tongue slowly massage mine. My heart was pounding he picked me up so that we were at the same level. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me up against the tree. I was so in love. Being with him made me safe. Nothing mattered. I just wanted him and him only. Nobody was going to stop that.
We quickly got dressed as we needed to finish what we came to do. We needed the cow's eye. I still couldn't believe how I get so easily distracted by Tobias. We held each others hands tightly as we made our way to the farm.
We saw one cow that was on its own so decided that it would be our target. We slowly crept up behind it. I wanted to stun it so that it would still be living but not be in much pain so I shot it with a low voltage lightening bolt. The cow slowly toppled over on to its side. Tobias jumped at the chance and gauged the cow's eye out. It was pretty disgusting and I was surprised at how un-nerved Tobias was by it all.
We arrived back at the cottage where Alex and Mary where waiting outside for us. Tobias passed the gooey eyeball to Mary. She placed a burning cloth onto the top of small stone wall. She then dropped the eyeball into the flame. A green spark shot out of the flame and she then slowly dropped my piece of hair into the mix. The green spark shot out of the flame once more, but this time it turned into a square. Inside the square we could see a meeting taking place. It was as clear as day. My father, Mika, Samuel, Willow and the prime-minister were all sitting down around a table.
We could hear what they were saying also, it was amazing how everything was so clear.
“If we catch Tobias he will die.” my fathers voice echoed around us.
“If we catch Isla she will also die.” came from the prime-ministers mouth. My whole body shivered the words made me shake a little.
It was official, they wanted me dead. I knew it was my fathers job to decide that Tobias and I would both had to be sentenced to death, but the fact that Mika just sat there and did not even defend me was the worst. Tobias put his arm around me as the four of us continued to watch.
“But, what if Tobias is found to be innocent?” said Willow.
It was surprising to hear Willow say anything positive, but right now I was grateful to her. She was keeping the idea of Tobias being innocent alive and that would help us slightly. What stunned me most about the whole conversation was what the prime-minister revealed next.
“Tobias has killed before. Even if he is not guilty for this death he is guilty for the other deaths. Unfortunately for Isla she has fallen victim to his spell.”
I froze. I instantly felt sick. Mary and Alex looked over towards Tobias and me. I shuffled away from him whilst removing his arm from around my body. I couldn't believe it. He had lied to me. It was over.
“Isla! I can explain! I promise.” he begged me.
“You lied to me! You told me in one of our first ever conversations you had never killed anyone! Why?!” I screamed back at him.
I could not take this, I was on the run from my own family and supernatural leaders for trying to protect a man I thought was innocent and it turns out he had killed before. I pushed past Tobias and ran into the forest just as I did the night before. I needed to get away from him. The branches of the trees were scraping my arm and smacking my body as I ran passed them. I felt like the pain did not matter again. I wanted to go back. Go back and change everything.
My tears slowly dripped down my face. My nose was running. I wish I had just stuck to what I thought my destiny was, I should have just ignored my feelings for Tobias and become the most powerful witch of all time. He ruined me.
I stopped to catch my breath.
“Isla!” shouted Tobias. Even though I was so angry with him his husky voice still melted me. I don't think there could be anything that would stop me from loving him.
“Please listen!” he continued.
I turned around as he appeared behind me. Looking as out of breath as me. He was still as hot as ever standing there out of breath with sweat dripping down his face.
“I can explain. Please listen to me. Its not what you think.”
once again I found myself trapped, I could not help but want the best from Tobias and I knew I would listen to him over and over again until he said what I wanted to hear.
We both sat down and he explained to me what the prime-minister meant by Tobias killing before.
“I can't tell you what happened, it is too painful for me to talk about but I can show you what happened.” Tobias said.
He placed my hands on each side of his eyes. I closed my eyes freed up my mind and allowed his memory to flow through to my mind.
I was outside an old cottage. It looked similar to the one we were st
aying in a part from the fact this one was not run down there was light coming from the windows. The sound of a child's cry was screeching from the cottage. I slowly walked over and up to the door. I was sucked into the cottage.
I could see a boy crying on the staircase. I knew who it was straight away. It was Tobias. As I turned to the side I could see a man and a woman fighting who I presumed to be Tobias' parents. The little boy walked into the room where his parents were fighting. I followed the child. It was weird because the look on the little boy was the same sad look I have seen on Tobias' face many times before.
“Stop it please!” the child cried.
Tobias' father grabbed his mother by the neck and swung her around, he put his index finger up to he side of her head and his fingernail grew into a claw and slowly stabbed into Tobias' mothers head. Little Tobias screamed with pain and as he did this flames flew from his body. And explosion erupted around him and caused a path of destruction.
After the smoke passed a man appeared. I could not see his face. Maybe this was cut from Tobias' memory but I could only see from his neck down. He was wearing a cloak. The voice was familiar to me but was not anybody who I knew. Maybe this was because Tobias' memory was blurred. He put his hand on Tobias' shoulder.
“Tobias You have killed your parents. Do not worry child I will take care of you, I have a great future planned for you.” said the man. He was wearing a silver ring on his finger similar to a wedding band which had an inscription engraved. The ring was also familiar to me but I just did not know where from.
The vision had ended. And I was back to staring at Tobias.
“I did not kill anyone, well not on purpose. My father killed my mother and then I reacted with a power I could not control, I was a child who did not know how to control my powers properly.” explained Tobias.
I was relieved, Tobias was not a killer and I was so happy about it.
“Who is the man that looked after you?” I questioned.
“He looked after me after this happened but he trained me up to make him the ultimate power of all time. Remember, the first time you came for me? The man in the cloak? Its him. He helped me and in return he wanted me to steal powers for him so he could take over the supernatural world and become the most powerful leader.” Tobias answered.
I figured that must have been why the ring was familiar, maybe I noticed it on the man the time I had the first ever vision of Tobias.
We had been living in the cottage for a good few weeks, I had lost track of the exact time scale but the leaves had fallen off the trees and the cold weather was setting in; the days were becoming shorter and the nights longer. Myself, Tobias and Mary had spent the past few weeks training Alex to fight. She was not a fighter and had never fought in a supernatural battle before so we knew that preparing her for a battle was best. I knew they were closing in on us. Some cloaked men appeared outside the cottage a few nights ago. The only reason they could not see us was because the area was still protected by Mary. We knew it wouldn’t be long until they realised this was were we had been hiding.
I was still as in love with Tobias as I was the first time I had met him. I was still upset that this was how we had to live our lives. I felt guilty that I had dragged Alex into this too. Her life outside was ruined now, all she was doing was protecting her best friend and now she was caught up in this mess with us all.
Once again we settled down for the night exactly the same way we did all the nights before. Darkness surrounded the cottage. I could hear noises coming from outside the cottage. It sounded like a person running. I did not want to alarm the others so I decided to go and investigate. I walked over to the door. The wind was howling, maybe I was just hearing things I thought. I took a deep breath and slowly twisted the door knob to open it.
I flung the door open. I looked around and could not see anything or anyone. Being here in hiding was just making me go insane. Then I noticed something on the floor. There was a piece of paper right by my feet outside the door. My heart started beating really fast. Someone must know we are here if they can see the cottage.
I slowly picked up the piece of paper, eager yet nervous to see if anything was written on it. I turned it over and there was one word written down. My heart started to pound. Someone was warning us. I knew this meant trouble was coming but someone out there was also trying to protect us. The word written down was Run!.
I looked around one last time to see if I could see anyone there at all. Still nothing. I knew I needed to wake the others. But what if it was a trap. What if they wanted us to run because they could not actually get near the cottage and this was their only was of getting us.
“Everyone get up! Now!” I shouted.
Mary was first to wake up she was followed by Tobias, Alex awoke last.
“What is it?” Mary asked me as she came over towards me.
“We need to leave now!” I demanded.
“I'll pack our bags up when you three come up with a plan!” Alex suggested.
A plan! I could not even think straight right now and Alex wanted me to come up with a plan to make sure all four of us stayed alive.
“I have an escape plan prepared. I have had one since day one. Just grab everything you can and follow me.” she explained.
I grabbed hold of Tobias' hand I was terrified. I knew this was it. I was going to be fighting soon. I was not only scare for me but mainly for Alex I was not sure she was ready yet but, there was no other option. Mary got us all lined up by the door. She was first then Tobias, me and Alex. I had no idea what her plan was but I trusted Mary. This was it. She opened the door so we could leave. As she opened the door all four of us were blasted back by a gust of smoke. We all fell to the floor.
It was too late. We had been found.
As I rolled over I could see Alex was awake lying next to me.
“Stay down!” I whispered to her. I jumped up and ran back to the door. Four men were standing there.
“Isla you can run, but we will always get you.” one of them said.
“Why cant you just let us prove to you he is innocent.” I begged.
“We do what we are told. We have been told to kill you all.” another one of the men revealed.
Tobias and Mary were still lying on the floor behind me unconscious. I had to fight them alone. I needed to get us to safety.
“You won't catch us.” I said. Even though I knew there was a high possibility they would.
One of them shot me with lightening. I moved out of the way just in time. I blasted them with a bolt of my own lightning.
“You will die!” one of them screamed at me as he raised both of his hands and shot me with a painful volt. I plunged into the wall next to me a bit stunned. Then out of nowhere Alex flew past me.
“Leave her alone!” she yelled.
Alex dodged four bolts of lightening that were aimed at her. I was in utter surprise. One of the men ran towards her. Alex just stood there, as he got close to her she put her arms around his neck and literally like it was no effort snapped his neck. I jumped up to help her. I shot two of them with high voltage lightening and that managed to knock them out. Then Alex and the final man fought it out. He grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the ground. She kicked him in the knee cap snapping his leg backwards and forcing him to drop to the floor. I then raised my hands and shot the same leg with lightening. His leg was disintegrated.
“Now that's team work!” excitedly yelled Alex as she clapped her hands.
I was so shocked as to how she managed to fight like that.
“How did you learn to do that?!” I asked.
“Eh, Mary is a good teacher what can I say.”