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Isla Stone: Witch way Page 2

  Then dad sat us down and told us the man killed mum for her visions. He managed to get away and that mum was one of many psychics who had been killed for their amazing rare power. I remember not long after mums death that MI5 and the government decided that it was unsafe for people to have the power so under new supernatural laws it was banned and every psychic was stripped of their power.

  At the time it made sense but now at my age it made me realise that such amazing people with amazing powers should not of been shunned or told they could no longer have it. We should of fought for them. We should of fought for my mothers kind. There were rumours around the time that my mother was too powerful and her visions were getting too strong that she would feel like she was physically involved in the things she saw. Many people say her death was suicide as she more than likely would have saw it coming. Others argued that death is unavoidable and that no one can stop it from occurring when it is their time. I knew my mum would have done everything she could of to have protected us and the last thing she would have wanted was to lose her life.

  After everything that had happened since I had been home I completely forgot about the book that I had got from Alex. I launched my body out of bed and ran to it. I opened the first page. It's it! It was my mums book.

  Whenever she had a vision she drew in this book what she saw. The book was never found. Which made everyone think she was definitely killed for her power. I flicked through the pages I passed many images of ghosts, vampires and then there he was. His face was there. The man I let escape was staring right at me. She knew who he was she had visions of him but, did she know what he was going to do to her? As I flipped the page there was writing on the back side of the picture.

  “This man will be my beautiful Isla's first and last love, they will have one of the strongest loves this planet has ever seen.”

  I had never been more confused in my life, how could the love of my life be the man who killed my mother. She must of saw wrong. Or maybe she did not see him kill her she only saw passed that and maybe me meeting him with us being unaware of who he is. All I did know was that he was not going to be the love of my life and I was going to kill him.

  All I wanted to do was speak to my Mother so that she could tell me what she meant and why he killed her. I kept flicking through the book to find a clue. On the last page was a drawing. It was of the charm bracelet around a candle. With the message.

  “Isla, you are confused and stuck. You need to look for me in the darkest hour. I will be there to guide you.”

  Oh my god! I knew this was a recent message. I couldn’t believe it. My mother had found a way to contact me. I took the charm bracelet from my bag just like I did with the book a few minutes before. I stuck it on my wrist. And searched my bedroom for a candle. I found a small tea light candle and struck a match to light it. I looked over to the digital clock it flickered to midnight.

  “Mum I need you!” I whispered.

  Nothing happened.

  Then a bright light blinded me. I shut my eyes. As I opened them again I was in an alleyway.

  I stood up and turned to look behind me. There he was. He was walking straight towards me!

  “How dare you come into my home! My fathers house and ask for me to believe in you after you killed my mother?” I yelled at the top of my voice.

  He ignored me and continued walking towards me. He looked like a lost little boy and I had that feeling in my stomach again.

  Then a cloaked man walked from around the corner right behind him.

  “You can Run Tobias but, we both know I will always find you! They know it was you!” Declared the man who’s face I could not see.

  “But it was not me! I have never killed anyone, ever and I never will. I am not helping you any more I never wanted to be a part of your regime I was forced into it and we both know I don’t decide what I am and have no control what power I possess. You gave this power to me to create a world you foresee and to be perfectly honest with you I would rather be dead than live in a world that’s been altered by you.” Cried the man who's name I now knew was Tobias.

  The man who I could only see faintly screamed at the top of his lungs and a large shock wave of flames smashed into Tobias I watched as his body slowly disintegrated in front of me. The flames then smashed into me and I was surrounded by fire. I could not feel anything no pain or anything. I was unhurt by the blinding flames. I closed my eyes and my body flew across my bedroom. Panicking I blew out the candle and just sat there not knowing how to react to the out of body experience I had just gone through.

  When I finally came around from what happened I concluded on my own that my mother used some sort of power wave to send me one of her visions and that this was going to happen in the near future.

  I wanted to run to Mika and tell her and my father what I had just experienced but I knew they would think I was mad. Then it hit me. I think the feeling is love. I am in love with Tobias.


  It was only two weeks to go until mine and Samuels wedding. My father and the prime minister ran me and Sam through the routine that we would have to take if we were attacked by My mothers killer. Unbeknown to them I knew his name and after the vision I had that night I knew I could possibly find out where he was. I still had not told any of my family about the vision because it just was not worth the hassle that it would cause. I knew they would just tell me to ignore it and to make sure he was killed. But I know mum would not have sent all of these messages to me if he was her real killer.

  Sam suggested that we both took a walk around the gardens of the house. The landscape around the house consisted of forests and large fields, some of which we let out to people to ride their horses.

  The pair of us walked through the forest along the stream that my mother used to walk Mika and I along as children. I could hear rustling in the bushes across the pathway from us. I turned my head and there was nothing there. A drop of water splattered over my arm. I could not figure out where it was coming from as there was no wind to rustle the bushes and no rain to drop onto my skin. I felt a chill overcome my body.

  “Sam there’s something I need to tell you.” I said remorsefully. I was going to tell him that we should not go through with the wedding. I was going to admit it. I was not in love with him. He looked at me shocked. He must know I thought.

  “Isla! No!” he shouted.

  “What?” I screamed back slightly startled.

  At that moment Sam pushed me to the ground by forcing his strength down on my shoulders. A jet stream tunnel of water shot passed the top of my head and smashed straight into Samuels stomach throwing him into a nearby tree trunk. As I looked around there was a man standing in the stream covered in moss and water.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “the airwaves are telling me that recently you have used the power to for-see the future, unluckily for you I want that power and considering it is forbidden these days what is a good little witch like you doing using it?” he explained to me.

  “I don't know what you are on about.” I shouted back to cover my tracks.

  “If I can sense it, then it wont be too long before the government come snooping around they will stop you.” when he said that it was like he was trying to protect me, but I was not willing to let someone else get away from me.

  I slowly raised my arm. Focused on a nearby tree, then shot my lightening bolt from the palm of my hand into a nearby tree branch. The man covered in water and moss looked up and yelped as it skewered straight through his neck. Just like all the others he combusted and the ash slowly dissolved into the stream.

  I looked over to Sam who was slumped up against a tree barely conscious. As I crouched down to stroke one of the wounds on his cheek his eyes slowly flickered open.

  “What is it you wanted to tell me?” His croaky voice asked me.

  I couldn’t do it. I was not ready to give him up. I could feel the worry for him inside. Maybe I did love him, maybe more than I origin
ally thought. So instead of telling him I wanted to cancel our wedding I told him about the vision. I knew he would not tell anyone, that was the best thing about Sam I could trust him one hundred percent I knew he would never betray me.

  He believed every single word, he just like me believed that my mother must of sent me the vision as a message. I decided to leave out the part about the whole situation in which my mothers book said Tobias was my true love. It was nice that Sam believed me. I knew if I told Mika or my father they would just shun me to the side and tell me to shut up. Plus its all sore wounds for both of them.

  Later that night I decided to meet up with Alex. I needed some best friend advice. She wasn't a magical being and she did not really understand much about supernatural laws, so I wanted to go to her for advice about the vision being from my mother and not only that but also about my true feelings for Samuel. She answered her front door to me and led me into her living room were she had tea waiting for me.

  “What's Wrong?” she asked with an intrigued look on her face.

  “Who said there was something wrong?” I jumped back confused.

  “Isla, I may not be a mystical magical being like those you normally encounter but I know when humans are worried about something and unfortunately for you right now your human side is showing more than any other part of you.” She made sense I suppose.

  As she said that I felt it coming. First the lump in the throat and then the tears.

  “I don't think I should marry Sam!” I mumbled as I burst into tears.

  “You're just getting cold feet. Isla, we have been best friends for practically our whole lives we know each other so well. To be honest with you we are still very young and I am not surprised you are getting cold feet. But make sure you follow your heart and do what your heart tells you for once not your head.” she sympathetically put an arm around me as she spoke.

  I wiped away my tears from my eyes and knew it was time I was honest. I told her about everything. How I thought I could be in love with this Tobias who I had never really had a conversation with. I continued to tell her how I thought it was my destiny to be a powerful witch and to make the history books and I was marrying Samuel to fulfil that. Surprisingly she never even batted an eyelid. She did not judge me which was what I loved about Alex. She was not a judger she was there to listen and help not to tell me I have done wrong.

  As I sat in my car on the way home I realised my worst fear had finally become a reality. I fell in love. I always said love diverted the path of destiny and now it was happening to me. The worst thing about it all though was that I was starting to think maybe this was my destiny. Maybe being a powerful witch was something that I had destined for personally but in the bigger picture my real destiny was to fall in love with Tobias to find out the truth about my mothers death and get closure.

  I drove passed the high street on my way home as I needed to pick up some basics from the shop. As I took a left turn I glanced right. Something drew me to the corner of the street I was looking at. The street lights were dim and the area was empty so I had no idea what it was. I parked up my car alongside the pavement and got out.

  Goosebumps shivered over my entire body. I felt strange. This was like deja vu. I have been here before but I had no memory of when. I slowly walked in between two of the buildings. The alleyway was narrow. The light got dimmer and dimmer the further into the alleyway I went. Then it hit me. I knew where I was. I had to be on full guard. I needed to be completely ready for what was about to happen. This was the same alleyway that was in my vision of Tobias. So if the vision my mother sent me was right then any moment know it was all going to kick off and I was going to be prepared for it.

  I could hear footsteps coming from down the alleyway. I decided to hide. I hid behind a few of the bins that obviously belonged to the business' on the street. The stench was overwhelming. This definitely wasn't the right place to hide. I was going to give myself away because if Tobias didn't come around the corner soon I was going to wretch and he would hear me. Holding my nose I peered over the top of the bin and there he was. That feeling in the pit of my stomach returned. I ducked back down.

  I needed to think of a plan to get Tobias out of here without the man disintegrating him like in the vision.

  “You can Run Tobias but, we both know I will always find you! They know it was you” I heard it again. I knew this was the man who was cloaked head to toe who's face I could not see. I would wait for Tobias' reply then I would appear and attack.

  “But it was not me! I have never killed anyone, ever and I never will. I am not helping you any more I never wanted to be a part of your regime I was forced into it and we both know I don’t decide what I am and have no control what power I possess. You gave this power to me to create a world you foresee and to be perfectly honest with you I would rather be dead than live in a world that’s been altered by you.” Cried Tobias.

  He never killed anyone he said. This must mean he was not the person who killed my mother. He would never lie to the person who probably would have known if he had killed her. The cloaked man had obviously hired Tobias to work for him. This was it. I needed to protect him. I stood up. My legs all of a sudden felt like jelly. I was nervous.

  “Leave him alone! He said he wants nothing to do with you, now go!” I demanded.

  The cloaked man just stopped, Tobias turned around and looked at me.

  “Please, Run! You don't know how powerful he is.” exclaimed Tobias.

  I did not even want to respond to him so instead I used my instincts and blasted the cloaked man with my lightening bolt. The bolt hit him in the shoulder. It did no have the effect I thought it would and it just shook one side of his body and he did not fall over at all.

  Oh no, I am going to die. He is going to kill us just like he did in the vision. I wasn't ready to die. He roared. I knew what was coming so I grabbed Tobias' hand and pulled him behind me. As the man roared I screamed The fire shock-wave from him was shooting towards us.

  I used all my force and waved my hand. Blue lightening waves shot from my whole arm. A fence of electric bolts shot up surrounding Tobias and I. The fire shock wave hit the bolts and bounced off causing the whole alleyway to smoke up.

  “Run!” I shouted.

  Tobias pulled me by my arm and we ran in the opposite direction to the cloaked man.

  “Follow me” he said sounding caring. His voice was huskier than I remember. This drew me to him even more.

  We finally come to an apartment block. He punched a number into a keypad and the door creaked open. I followed him down a corridor. I found it quite strange that the whole time I had been following him I had not questioned him once, I mean this was the man my family believed killed my mother and I was just following him into an apartment building. There was so much I wanted to ask him.

  He pulled out a key from the pocket of his black skinny jeans. He put the the key into the door and opened it. We both walked in.

  “This is home.” he revealed.

  “Very nice.” I said as I looked over at the modern kitchen in the apartment. I was surprised, not by his home but by the way there was no awkwardness between us both. From the moment we first saw each other tonight to now I had not felt one slight bit of awkwardness that I normally always feel around people that I don't really know.

  “I have been thinking about you. Ever since the day I first saw you I have not been able to stop thinking about you.” Tobias looked into my eyes and announced.

  My heart was racing. My stomach was tossing and turning with butterflies. Even thought there was so much I needed to know it was like I lost control of my own body. What Alex said earlier in the day was repeating in my mind. Follow your heart not your head. Maybe I was going crazy but I could not help it. I reached up to Tobias. He gently placed his hand on my cheek. I was starting to struggle to keep my breath. I was in pure awe of his face. Simultaneously we both leant in. I felt our lips touch. Everything was exploding inside of my body. I h
ad never felt this way towards a person before.

  As we stopped kissing we looked into each others eyes. At that moment I knew I needed him. I was too drawn to him for it not to mean anything. I went in for another kiss. I felt his arms move down the back of my legs. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his body. He placed me on the kitchen counter and I couldn't keep my lips off of his.