Isla Stone: Witch way
Isla Stone
Witch Way
By Ellis Maton
Text Copyright © 2015 Ellis Maton All Rights Reserved.
My childhood was far from normal. I saw things that for most children would be the making of nightmares. My mother always tried her best to ensure that myself and my sister Mika had a 'normal' childhood. But, unfortunately for my family normal was far from our destiny. Being witches meant we would never be normal. Death became a part of the daily routine, it was as normal as eating breakfast. My Mother and Father would fight Evil supernatural beings to ensure the balance for the greater good remained steady. Death was something that I experienced my whole life.
I wanted to be great. I was now old enough to understand my parents fight. I am aware of consequences if we fail to keep up with our great ancestors. It's our duty to protect humans from the evil on earth. I need to be the best. I want to be somebody. Just like my Mother was.
As I walked down the grand staircase in my childhood home to greet my guests it finally dawned on me that I was only marrying for power. My family was the most powerful in our 'community' and his not as powerful but still pretty powerful. Ever since I was a child I had always wanted to be the best at my craft. Ever since my parents told me that I was a witch I had read for hours and hours on the historic relevance of my people and I had always wanted to be one of the greats like those in this history books I had read back then. I knew that this marriage would make me one of the most powerful women on the planet. With mine and his powers combined we would be the most powerful couple of this generation and quite possibly this could make us the most powerful witches of all time.
Even though I knew it was wrong, I had never been in love and my childhood family friend was the closest thing I had ever felt to being in 'love' so therefore I thought it was best to stick to what I know and marry him. He was also a safety net for myself. When you have a drive for power like mine, love can be dangerous. Love can interfere with powers and most of the time but not always it can stop you from fulfilling your destiny. I have known for as long as I could remember that my destiny was to be the best witch of this generation, my plan was simple I wanted to take over from my father on the cabinet as the first female witch. My father has worked as a cabinet minister with the prime minister of the united kingdom since I was child. His job was to protect the British public from magical and supernatural beings. His job was to hide magic from outsiders and to make sure us witches were never found out. The highest people in the government and MI5 know who we are and always have done. But, its on my fathers shoulders to make sure that the British people never find out about us as the last thing anyone wants is the return of witch hunting. We do good so therefore the prime minster treats us well and so we protect him and his country. That was my goal. To take over from my father one day and work along side the prime minister to protect the country from evil magic. My dream is that one day the history books will say 'Isla Stone was the greatest witch to live.'
“Here we go.” I thought to myself. I grabbed hold of my sister Mika's hand. Was I ready for the lime light? This was my engagement party. We walked down the stairs together as we passed the mirror we took one final look at ourselves. My black hair waved passed my shoulders and hit the navy dress I was wearing. Mika looked as elegant as ever with her black bobbed hair. Mika and I had always been completely opposite. I had always put my focus on being a great witch whereas Mika always wanted to have a 'normal' life. She wanted to marry have children and never have to be involved in the battles for the greater good. But for me marriage and children are the last of my concerns I want to use my power for good and fight evil. This was a marriage of convenience for me and I will never let love get in the way of the path I am destined to follow.
The doors to the ballroom opened up and there he was, standing in front of me, my future husband.
Samuel was short and had messy hair. He was not what I would define as hot, but I knew he would do and get me where I wanted to be. I walked over to him and kissed him gently on the lips. The prophets, witches, and angels around us cheered. The whole supernatural community was at a buzz for our wedding day and with it being only a few months away I knew everyone was super excited and that our wedding would be the biggest social event of the year.
I didn’t want to drink the champagne that was being poured for me. I wanted to be on top of my game, who knows what champagne would do to me if there was an attack or if I accidentally told people my feelings for Samuel were not genuine.
A gust of wind blew my hair away from my face. A cold chill hit my body. This wasn’t good. Something bad was going to happen I could sense it. I knew an attack would be imminent. No evil witch, vampire or wolf would choose to miss creating an attack on an event which was being hosted to some of the most powerful good that existed.
The party was over. To my surprise it went really well and without one evil attack. The fact that the Engagement party went better than I imagined made me more upset about my mother not being able to see it. She was dead. She died when I was 7 and I could not remember a lot about her and I never really wanted to mention her to my father. All these years later it was still hard.
“Goodnight my beautiful Isla.” my father said in his usual gentle tone.
“Good night dad.” I replied. He then went over to hug Mika good night.
The room started to shake. I knew an attack was about to take place.
“ Isla! Get ready.” Samuel Screeched at the top of his voice.
Mika tightly wrapped her arm around dads. An almighty roar echoed from outside. I ran over towards Samuel. A werewolf crashed through the conservatory window. I felt tight little scratches on my arm as broken pieces of glass flew into us. Mika screamed as dad put his arm around her head to protect her form the shards of glass. As the black werewolf who was about twice as tall as Samuel, was about to hit the ground it combusted into dust. We all looked at each other confused. No werewolf had ever spontaneously combusted in front of me before.
“What the hell was that?” I yelled confusedly.
“A distraction.”
I turned behind me and standing in the doorway leading into the dining room was three men. Just from their look I could tell they were evil witches.
“What do you want?” whimpered Mika. She was never the fighting sort and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“ To warn you. If you two decide to get married we will kill you all.” Said the man in the middle, he was the shortest of the three and was wearing a black leather jacket with rips in.
“Get out Now!” Shouted Samuel.
“So the wimp actually knows how to talk then and not stand behind his woman.” The witch in the leather jacket replied.
I instinctively pushed my hand out towards the man and shot my purple lightning bolt towards him. I had only just learned how to use this power. He clicked his finger and stopped the lighting bolt just as it was about to hit him. I was defenceless. I had never been in a position that my magic was useless.
“We came to warn you and here is your warning.” the same man who must have been the leader said.
He clicked his fingers with both hands simultaneously. I felt a force beneath my feet. I had never felt sensation like it before. All four of us were flipped up off of our feet and thrown into a different corner of the room. As my back slammed into the wall pain shot through my whole body. Everything went dark.
I tried to open my eyes but everything was blurry. I could faintly see Mika Lying on the floor opposite me she had a small cut just above her left eye. Blood was pouring out of it. We both managed to gain eye contact.
One of the men wrapped their arms around my neck and dragged me backwards at that point I could fe
el his fingers nails slowly but painfully piercing into my skin. This was it I thought, I am going to die.
I looked towards Mika and could see how scared she was. She ripped off her necklace which was white gold with a small diamond on it. My breathing started to slow down and I knew there was no way I could get my breath back unless he let go of me soon. I was glad to see her pulling off the necklace.
“Everyone get down” howled Mika.
I tried to lower my head as much as I could even though he was still dragging me back. Mika threw the necklace at the man who had hold of me. As the necklace hit him he exploded. The dust from the explosion of his body slowly splattered onto me. I noticed at that point Samuel was scuffling around on the floor with one of the men... it was the one who seemed like the leader. I slowly raised my arm whilst still trying to catch my breath and shot him with a lightening bolt, I knew he wouldn’t be able to stop me from behind. So I literally shot him in the back and he just like the other one combusted all over Samuel.
The last of the three evil witches ran out of the room. There was no way I was going to let him go. I chased him down the hallway and shot him with lightening, it bounced off his shoulder but it still managed to blast him into the wall.
“I am sorry, I cant stop them. Please.”
Nobody I had ever battled had apologised to me before. I was shocked. He could probably tell that I was rather confused by the look on my face.
“I mean you no harm, please trust me. They made me come here. This is not the person I am.”
Maybe I was going crazy because I actually believed him. I had never let someone get away from a fight as this was a sign of weakness but, I was just about to do it. There was something about him that I could not put my finger on.
“Run, Get out! Before the others come” I demanded.
Samuel, Mika and my father came into the hallway.
“Did you get him?” Samuel asked.
“He got away he was too strong.” I announced.
Normally at night time I would think about my mother, what she would be doing and what type of relationship we would have if she were still alive. Tonight was different. I couldn’t stop thinking about the evil witch I let go. I am hoping that he was telling the truth. When I thought about him it made me feel weird, I had never felt this way towards someone before. I needed to know his name. I needed to know who he was. I needed to know him. All of these things were running through my head.
Samuel was fast asleep, his snoring was worse than ever. That might have been the knock to the head that he had. Maybe I was attracted to the man I let go? I had never felt this way towards Samuel before. I knew I was not really in love with Sam but my mind kept making me think about the 'other' man. I looked over at my clock and did not realise that it was now 3am. I was shocked that I had been thinking about him for this amount of time. I wondered if I would ever see him again. But, for now I needed to sleep.
Ring Ring!
Ring Ring!
The buzzing and annoying tune of my mobile phone woke me up. I reached over and answered it.
“Isla! Its me Alex.”
Alex was my best friend and had been since we were five and now all these years later we were still friends. Even though she was a normal human she knew everything about me and my family. During the phone call we arranged to meet up so she could show me something that she found from our childhood.
Later that afternoon Alex and I met up. As usual she was dressed up to the nines her blonder hair was curled over her shoulders. She was the typical ditsy blonde, this did not matter to me though. She was always there when I needed her and that is all that mattered. We met up in a small coffee shop. She waved me over to the corner she was sat in.
“Darling, you are going to love me when I show you what I have found!” she blurted out before I even managed to sit on my chair.
“What? Please tell me I have been dying to find out! You sounded super excited about it on the phone.” I responded.
She pulled out a plain black box from under the table and placed it in front of me. I was dreading what it was going to be. I really hoped it was not another engagement present. Right now I just could not take another present. Every time I received a gift for my engagement I felt awful. I knew I wasn’t marrying Sam for the right reasons and as soon as I had the power I needed from him I was planning on ending it anyway. Hesitant to see what was inside I pulled the lid off of the box.
My jaw dropped. My heart started pounding.
“Where did you find this?” I squealed with excitement.
Inside the box was a book and a charm bracelet.
“I was clearing out the attic with my parents and the box was up there. We must of left it up there on one of our sleep overs like 10 years ago or something.” she replied.
I remember the day I made the charm bracelet with my mother, she made it just before she died. We made it back when I was just finding out about using my powers to battle evil witches. I used to get scared so she made it and said it held a protection charm.
Then it dawned on me.
If this was the book I thought it was then I needed to leave. I needed to be on my own to open it. People have been looking for it ever since my mother died and how it came about being with the charm bracelet in Alex's attic I would never know. It looked just like a book my mother had when she was alive. My mother was not a witch. She was a psychic. She did not have powers like myself and Mika. We inherited our powers from our father. The power of seeing into the future was rare and now banned. I placed the book on the passenger seat of the car and decided to drive home and open it there.
As I pulled onto the driveway, something wasn't right. The prime ministers car was outside alongside a few others.
I was not ready to show others the book so I put it in my bag and slung my bag strap over my shoulder and walked in. As I walked down the hallway I could hear screams in Mika's voice.
“It was him! I know it was!”
“He killed her!”
I walked into the dining room Mika was sitting at the table crying into her hands, the prime minister was standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. As he looked towards the door and looked at me his hand shot back to his side and he took a step back from Mika.
“Isla, Nice to see you again. Shame about the circumstances.” said the prime minister in a quiet tone.
My heart sunk. That comment and Mika crying took me back to the night that the prime-minister and my father came to me and Mika and told us that our Mother had been killed.
“The man you let go last night, he's been identified.” my father informed me as he walked into the room behind me.
“What? Who is he? What's his name? Where can I find him?” I questioned.
“He's the man I saw, The man I watched kill mum!” Blurted out Mika.
I rolled over in bed wishing Samuel was there next to me. The one night I needed him, the only night I felt like I ever wanted him he was not there. I knew if I called him he would be next to me straight away. He was so in love with me he would do anything. Even though I was with him for all the wrong reasons I knew there was a part of me that actually must of loved him and right now that part of me was showing more than ever.
The man I let go was the one man I should never have let go. How did I let this happen. Why was I so foolish to trust him. I never trusted anyone and the one person I decided to actually believe was my mothers murderer. The events of the last few days took me right back to the day my mother died.
We saw a light flash from outside. My mother told us she loved us and that we needed to go to our bedroom. That was the last time I saw her alive. That was the last thing she said to us. As always I would be wearing the charm bracelet and I gripped onto it as I sat on my bed! I remember shouting at Mika to stop looking out the window as I did not want her to get scared.
“He just threw something at mummy!” she cried.
“Isla! Isla! We need to help mummy! She'
s burning!” she hysterically shouted.
I sat on my bed crying holding Mika too scared to leave.