Isla Stone: Witch way Page 11
“Take off the ring!” I demanded. “You were not born with powers. You were never part of the supernatural order, what you are doing is too dangerous you must stop. Your body has consumed to much. Its made you evil.” I continued.
“I will take over the country, with this ability to see the future I can make this place great again.” he cried.
“Give up, sir please.” Asked the MI5 agent nicely.
“No, I wont.” he yelled.
The prime-minster made a fist and blasted the Mi5 agent out of the room with a gust of wind. The door slammed shut behind him.
“Did you think destroying my family was a good idea?” shouted Mika.
“You and your family would be nothing without your supernatural powers, but because you have some sort of 'gift' you think you are all above anyone. Well you are not. I am the head of this country.” He vented condescendingly.
“I don't need my powers to make this wrong a right.” laughed Mika.
I looked at her in confusion completely oblivious to what she was on about. Mika moved her arm to the back of her jeans. She lifted up the bottom of her t shirt and pulled out the same handgun that Willow tried to kill us with.
My heart dropped. I was not expecting this. My quiet, shy and normal sister was about to kill someone. She pulled the trigger. I flinched back and closed my eyes. The sound echoed over and over in my ears.
I opened my eyes. The prime-minister had been shot by Mika. Blood pouring out of his stomach.
“That was for turning my sister against me. This one is for getting my father killed.” She smugly said to him.
Another shot went off and blasted into the prime-ministers chest. He started gasping for air now. It was hard to watch. My little sister killing a man. Even though this was the only way, how could my sweet sister do this? She was always against us killing evil supernatural beings and would never take part in any battles but this time she was finishing off our biggest ever battle.
“Stop!” he gasped.
Mika laughed at him.
“Mika- Enough! He's going to die anyway now.” I demanded she stopped I was actually becoming scared of what she would do next.
“And... This last one is for taking our mother away from us as children. One last thing – Don't fuck with my family.” tears started to fill up her eyes.
The last shot went straight through the prime-ministers head. Blood splattered over the wall behind him as his lifeless body slumped out of his office chair and onto the ground.
Mika burst into tears. I knew that coming to terms with killing someone would be hard for her. It would eat away at her. I grabbed her into my arms and held her as tight as I could. She was the only family I had left.
“You did it! You saved us. You have saved us all, the whole supernatural community. In my eyes you are the greatest witch there has ever been.” I said.
All I could think about was Tobias. If he died in the explosion that would be it. I would not be able to cope without him. We had won the battle but if his life was over then in my eyes we may as well of lost.
The MI5 agent pushed his way back through the door.
“Its OK girls. You did what you had to do. I will cover you. Just go. I will be in touch. You have saved your community and also this country from the disastrous consequences of his actions.” He gave us a gentle smile. I was surprised at how relaxed he was at seeing the prime-ministers brains splattered all over the wall.
Once again I rubbed my stomach but this time I asked the baby to take me to Daddy. I was afraid to open my eyes. What if this was his end. What if I opened them and Tobias was lying there dead. I opened them.
Tobias, Mary and Alex were sitting on the sofa in Tobias' apartment. They had not even noticed myself and Mika appear in the room. They looked concerned.
“It's over. We won. He is dead.” I informed them.
Tobias turned to me, his eyes were blood shot as though he had been crying. He ran over to me and kissed me on the lips.
“I am so glad you are OK. I thought that was it. I love you so much.” he gushed as he held me.
Is there such thing as a happy ever after?
I woke up feeling as fresh as a daisy. I felt amazing. It was the first night sleep I had in months that I did not have to worry about anything. We had won the battle and it felt good. I placed my hand on my stomach which looked like a balloon that was ready to pop and thanked my bump for the helping hand yesterday.
Finally, for this first time in our whole relationship things were looking up for Tobias and I. We were happily married, our first child was on the way and the biggest supernatural battle that we had ever faced was over.
I left the bedroom and made my way down the small apartment hallway into the open plan living room and kitchen area.
Alex and Mika were over in the kitchen cooking.
“Hope you feel like Pancakes, cause there is plenty!” Laughed Mika.
Alex gave me a cheeky wink. It was something we used to do when we were growing up if we were happy with something but did not want to admit it. Knowing that Alex was happy even though she gave up her life to help fight the battle made me feel good. She was a true friend. There was no way I could make it up to her for everything she has done for me.
Tobias and Mary were laughing as they sat down watching some television.
This was it. This is what I wanted from life. All that matters is happiness and even though my parents were no longer with us being with close friends and family and seeing them this happy felt fantastic.
After thinking about it overnight I had made my decision about my child’s future. Even though my gift has given me much happiness it was time to give it up. I had lost too much because of it and was not willing to lose anything or anyone else. My witch days are over. I no longer wish to be Isla Stone the most powerful witch of all time. I just want to be Isla Stone. I will practice magic privately on my own 'just in case' but my daughter will not be introduced to witch craft. She will have a normal childhood, I do not want her to witness the tragedies Mika and I did before we were even teenagers.
“Sh everyone. You need to see this.” Mary put her laptop computer on the coffee table and we all read the same blog headline ..
“Prime-minister of the U.K killed in attack by the supernatural!”
The blog continued reporting the story.
This is a world exclusive you can see on this blog before any news station, newspaper or any other type of media how the leader of our country really died. I have been informed by some government sources the reports are true and we have an exclusive video clip filmed by the prime-minister before his murder. Here it is.
We pressed play.
There he was on the screen, sitting in his office. Even looking at him on the screen made me shiver. We all watched the laptop nervously to hear what he had to say in the video recorded before his death.
“Citizens if you are watching this video then unfortunately I have reached my end. Take this message as a warning. We are under threat. I was first but you could be next. Living amongst us there are beings. I have been working with MI5 officials for my entire time in power to try and rid of them to make our country safe but they are unstoppable. The supernatural are real. Take me seriously when I say there is a supernatural threat to our great country. We need to protect ourselves from them. The supernatural are not just the makings of fairy tales and novels. The supernatural community is real. It is living amongst us. Witches are real and an unbelievable amount of dark magic and witchcraft takes place every single day. This is no joke. It can be anyone. Save yourselves and protect your families. This is real. Once this message is shown the threat will be high but it is the only way to protect our people from them and secure a safe life for our future generations.”
“No one will believe this without any evidence, they will think its a bloggers sad attempt to gain more readers and subscribers. Turn it off.” blasted Alex.
Mary was terrified. She
clicked on to another site. The prime-ministers face was on it. The same video was being played. She smacked keyboard to change to another site, again the video was being replayed.
“Fuck! They will believe it – their not stupid. They will start showing evidence.” blurted out Mary.
“We have exposed the whole community.” I cried.
Tobias gave me the same worrying look that he had given me when he realised I was going to attempt to kill us all in the house explosion. This was it I had totally fucked up. I should have been careful what I wished for. I wanted to be a powerful witch who went down in history. My wish was going to come true. I was going to be going down in history for exposing the community and destroying my people. This was it I had messed up big time.
“I saw this coming. But I thought it was my imagination I did not think it was possible! The government were supposed to cover it up. Their going to bring back the witch trials. We will be near enough wiped out. Our great kind will become extinct.” Mary whispered as she was obviously holding back tears.
“No one will believe it, think of all the conspiracy blogs out there. When there’s a famous death there is always a conspiracy attached to it. We will be fine.
Thinking back to the everything that happened this year and watching the prime-minister expose us on television was hard. I had come to the realisation that I was no where near the end of my witch years. Happiness comes to those who wait, and wait patiently – for me the wait was not yet up. I got the community into this mess and I will get it out of this mess. This past year has been a mock test, it wasn't the biggest battle and I was stupid to think it was. The real thing was about to unfold. For the first time in centuries a war against the worlds was about to happen. Regardless if people believe the blogs some will – we will be hunted. We are no longer one of them. A war was coming our way and it is all my fault. I'd already lost too much to give up hope now. I will not go down without a fight. I will fight and if I do not succeed I will die trying. The world as we know it is gone, things are about to change.
A huge smash came from the apartment door.
“Get on the floor!”
I turned around to see armed masked men barge into the room. We dropped to the floor. This was it. We would be executed first. Our lives were over. I wanted to fight, but was there any point? We had no time to come up with a plan. We had no time to say goodbye. They doubled us in size.
As I laid on the ground one of the men came from behind me and pressed me down holding my arms back. The same thing was happening to Tobias. I could not see any of the others.
We were facing each other. This was the last time I would see him.
“I love you Isla. Remember I love you in this world and every world after this one.” He said.
“I love you Tobias.”
The End.
Isla's story is not over.
Isla Stone – Witch Wars will be out early 2016.
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@EllisMaton – Twitter.