Isla Stone: Witch way Page 10
“That one is for my Mum.” I yelled and once again I raised another fist and shouted “and this one is for my Dad!” tears started to stream down her face. I was starting to feel guilty for punishing her like this but I knew there was no other way. Even if I let her go now she would be sentenced to death for killing an innocent person.
“I am sorry. Please forgive me. I had no choice.” Begged Willow.
I could not believe what I was doing. I was trying to strangle someone I grew up with to death. I relaxed my hands and let go of her. I took a step back.
“Kill him! Kill him! He is evil and he turned me into a monster. I did not want any of this. I'm sorry.” remorsefully cried Willow. She reached her arm out and picked up the gun.
“NO!” I yelled.
Willow held the gun to her head and the bullet burst through to the other side. Her body dropped to the floor.
“Where is my sister?” I asked Mary.
She pointed me to the cell she was locked up in. I peered in and could see Mika lying on the floor shaking and crying. I thought Mary looked bad but Mika was ten times worse. She had lost a lot of weight and her face was gaunt and grey. Her hair was scraggy and her make up was smudged all over her face. She was still wearing her bridesmaids dress from the wedding to Samuel.
I needed to get her out. As I was no longer in Willow's body my only option was to pull her lifeless body over here and use her prints to get Mika out. So I made my way over to her and dragged her body by her ankles to the door pad. Once again I typed in Willow's name and used her hand to open it.
“Confirmed: Willow Rose. Pod will open in Five, Four, Three, Two, One.” The robotic voice said.
As I ran into the pod Mika flinched away from me. She was not herself she was terrified. We needed to get her out before anyone noticed what was going on. I could still feel no pain from my bullet wound. I pulled Mika up with the help of Mary and we put each of her arms around us to pull her out of the dungeons.
We stepped into the lift and the door shut behind us. Mary and I both took a deep breathe as we consoled Mika. I cradled her in my arms like she was a small child again. I always had my doubts about her actually being capable of killing my parents.
Now we just needed to get out of the lift and teleport back to the house. Still holding up Mika Mary and I prepared ourselves as the doors to elevators opened. The secretary was standing in front of the door with two guards waiting for us.
“Get them!” yelled the secretary to the guards as she pointed at us.
“Move and I will kill all three of you!” I replied.
The two guards came towards us. This was it. We were totally powerless. We could not use our powers on humans. I was frightened. They would get all three of us and probably kill us.
“Back away!” I shouted at them.
I was going to have to use my powers. It was the only way we would get away. The potion was in my pocket but Mika was still fragile and if I let go of her weight to grab it she would collapse.
They came even closer.
“I said back off!” once again I warned them.
My stomach started to cramp. My whole body went warm. I did not know what was happening to me. Then my stomach shot out a blast of fire. It was humongous. The whole room exploded but myself, Mika and Mary were untouched. The explosion shot straight down the glass hallway, shattering all of the glass in its path. The fire stopped and smoke surrounded the room. I could see one of the guards staring at me.
“Give the prime-minister a message for me. This is just the start. I will come for him. I will victor and bring down this manipulated institution. I will be back for him!” I yelled as I forcefully smacked the pocket that was holding the potion to return us home. it shattered in my pocket, even though the glass cut my skin it was worth escaping.
I could not believe what had just happened! That explosion was impressive and it was caused by my unborn child. She was going to be a strong witch. Her powers were so advanced already. The most exciting thing about motherhood will be teaching her how to use them. Even though at the back of my mind there is a part of me that would like to take her away from this world I knew it would not be possible.
We appeared back in the house. Alex and Tobias looked shocked to see us arrive back with Mika. I asked the other three to leave the room so I could talk to my sister alone. She had not said a word since Mary and I helped her out of the dungeons.
“What did they do to you?” I queried. As I placed my arm on her.
“Where’s dad, why did it take you so long to find me? I have been gone since the wedding.” Mika questioned.
I gave her the look. The look we both had enough times in our life. The its a shame your mother is not around for this moment look. She knew straight away what I was going to say. Our father was dead now. But at least we had each other. Having this battle with my sister on my side would be so much easier. Together we are a force to be reckoned with.
“What do we have to do to get revenge?” Mika said vengefully.
“Kill the prime-minister. He tried to turn me against you. He tore this family a part. I just want to say I am sorry for not believing you when you said Tobias was the night mum died. You were right he was, but he never killed her. It was Willow disguised as you.” I informed my sister.
I felt stupid for not noticing that Willow was disguised as my sister. She had changed into a different person after the wedding to Samuel I should have known.
After this morning, I knew the prime-minister was not going to wait around for us to come to him, he was going to come to us. He would be prepared and we needed to be.
During all the commotion I completely forgot about my bullet wound. As I looked down to the wound it was completely gone. Even my trousers were back to normal. There was no sign of me ever being shot. The baby was helping me out. First with the explosion and now healing me. This was just what I needed for the battle.
I was so glad Mary was back. She was just what we needed. She knew exactly what to do and I knew for a fact she would have prepared a plan during her time in captivity.
“Gather round everyone. We need to talk about our plan.” Mary took the lead.
Mary continued. “The main thing is we all need to make sure we are confident enough in our powers to take on this battle. He is a dangerous man and we need to be confident in ourselves to ensure success. Secondly, We need to get his ring. Its his ring that holds the power. Its dangerous. We have no clue how many powers it is holding at present but what I do know is that it needs to be removed and destroyed to stop any future consequences. We have two generations of Stone's one of the strongest witch families to have ever lived. We can take him on and be successful.”
“Two?” Tobias asked.
I had only just clicked on what Mary had meant by her comment. I had not yet told Tobias I was pregnant and she knew, she could see it. Nothing could be kept from Mary. I smiled at Mary shaking my head hoping she would keep her mouth shut. She did not notice me.
“Well yes dear, you have Isla and Mika and of course the baby.” Mary had revealed my news with a beaming smile. I was not happy she had told him. It was the wrong time.
“Your pregnant?” Tobias turned and asked me with the most concerned face I had ever seen him pull.
“Well someone had to tell him Isla. You are due any day now. Surely someone noticed.” Mary laughed.
“I thought she was just comfort eating.” chuckled Alex.
“Well that's it you can not be a part of this fight!” Tobias ruled out me playing any part in the battle against the prime minister.
I pleaded all night with Tobias, I told him about the bullet wound and how I was stronger than ever and that my powers were the most advance they had ever been. He was not budging. How could I force him to let me take part in the battle. Even though I was at my most powerful it was still risky, for all I know I could give birth tonight tomorrow or right this second.
In their eyes I was no
w just a liability. As we slept Tobias placed his hand on my stomach which seemed to have grown an awful lot since I got dressed this morning. At least now I knew if anything did happen to myself or Tobias my daughter would grow up with Mika.
As Tobias once again fell asleep before me I lay there worrying as I did every night. To us the plan was great, Kill the prime-minister he then wont be able to use supernatural powers that were not designed for him to take over the country. We were doing the world a favour by taking this evil man out. But, we never really thought about the consequences. We were going to kill a leader. He was the main man in government and the country would want to know how he died. Now that my father was gone I did not know who or how MI5 would cover this one up. We could not risk exposing the supernatural world.
Mary summoned us all to the kitchen. Even though it had only been one day since she was rescued she was starting to look like herself already. Her grey skin had started to get some colour back and even her eyes looked brighter.
Her plan was that we would conjure my mother and father back from the dead and as one of the most powerful line of witches we were to use our force as a family to kill the prime-minister, he was going to come with an army of men and considering we had nothing in comparison conjuring them was our only option.
Mary was weary of conjuring them back. Especially our father he had only just died and we had not yet had chance to settle into life without him. It would be weird. Especially for Mika. I had already met with my mother since life without her so I knew I could let go. But, Mika was more fragile than I. She was not emotionally strong.
Myself, Mika and Mary all began the conjuring. We started to chant the Latin spell. Tobias and Alex stood back. A cold chill shivered through my body. I knew what was happening to me. I was having a vision.
I broke away from Mika and Mary. We didn't have time to conjure my parents. The prime minister and his men were seconds away. I could see them.
“There here! Get ready.” I informed the others.
Tobias ran over to me. He kissed me slowly. My body quivered.
“I love you.” he whispered to me softly.
It was as though he was saying goodbye.
This was it. We would not win on our own. We had all worked so hard for this moment and knowing the likely hood of us winning the battle was zero to none my faith in good had all been lost.
My eardrums exploded into my brain as a loud bang shattered my hearing. The kitchen wall submerged into the room. Wiping out everything in its path way. We all hit the ground. Everything was happening so fast. A man ran into what was left of the kitchen wearing a black gas mask and carrying a machine gun.
“Five beings, sir. I repeat, five beings.” the man said in a robotic but authoritative voice.
He walked further into the room. None of us moved. Then Tobias jumped up from the ground on to the man's back. I shot at them with my lightening. The bolt I shot was a force I had never experienced shooting before. It even made me hurtle backwards. The man fell to the ground as he was hit by thousands of volts.
Tobias quickly picked up the gun. He ran out of the kitchen into the hallway I could hear constant gun shots going off. I jumped up to go and help him. There were a few men at the end of the hallway firing back at us.
Tobias jumped to the ground as a shot came our way. The bullet came straight for me. The force was immense. I had been hit by many powerful things in my life but this was by far the worst. But the weird thing was I felt the bullet blast into me. I could not feel any pain at all. I knew my daughters powers were helping me through the fight. I looked down to see where the bullet had hit me. Nothing. There was not one scratch present on my body. The force was there but the pain was absent.
The man who shot me looked terrified. He dropped his gun to the ground and ran down the hallway and out of the door as fast as he could. He must have known his bullets wouldn’t of stopped me. So ran before I could get to him. As I peered down the smoke filled hallway I could see through the front door as around ten soldiers came marching up to the house, behind them stood the prime – minister. Grinning as always. He knew he was going to beat us, well he thought he did but the grin was all I needed to see to know how important it was for me to be successful in the battle.
I knew I needed to concentrate. I wanted to blow the place up. Just like I did in the prime-ministers headquarters. But this time I wanted to cause enough damage to kill everyone. It was the only way. Either we die fighting and lose the battle or all of us die, at least that way the prime-minister would be gone forever.
This was no longer a battle for myself or my family but I was doing this for the greater good of the country and the supernatural world. I thought back to my most painful memories. I needed to put myself into an emotional state that would cause the devastation I wanted.
I pictured the moment my mother died, the pain it caused me as a child. The moment that Willow killed my father also flashed through my mind. Looking at my own gravestone with my daughter and Alex standing over it whilst I travelled to the future was enough to cause me anger and pain. My head started to burn.
“Isla, what are you doing?” screamed Tobias. He was petrified. He knew this was going to be it. I was going to kill every single one of us. It was my chance to be the greatest witch alive. I took a deep breath. My whole body started to heat up. The ground started to shake.
“Tobias, I love you. But, this is the only way.” I yelled back at him.
The heat started to become unbearable. The soldiers burst through the door. The only thing I could do was scream. I started to sweat. Flames started to appear around me. I was still burning. A shock-wave exploded around my body. The heat was horrendous. It was as though the explosion circled off around me and I was the only one not being trapped up in the flames as they tore through my childhood home. The walls around me blasted away. The ceiling shot up into the air and came crashing back down all around me.
The flames from the explosion started to implode back towards me. I fell to the ground. Weak. Pieces of my home started to fall on me. I passed out.
I could feel a heavy weight on top of me. One of my arms was free from rubble. I used this to pull off a huge chunk of wood that was covering my body. It was so heavy but I knew I needed to get free to finish off any survivors.
As soon as my body became free from debris I stood up. Slowly. My body was aching. I could not believe the damage I has caused. The house was completely ripped a part. Not one wall was standing. Pieces of my life were literally scattered every where. Flames were burning through the oak trees that stood around my house.
The sound of the trees burning was similar to the sound of a rain storm, a part from that there was a deadly silence. No noise at all. A bang came from behind me. It was the sound of a piece of wood being chucked.
“Isla!” screeched Mika.
I turned around to see my sister being dragged away by the prime-minister.
Mika was covered in dust. The prime-minister had a massive gash to his head. Blood poured from it.
“Get off her!” I cried.
He gave me his usual grin as he lifted his fist up to his mouth. He blew on his ring that held all of his power. They both blipped away into thin air. Gone.
I knew I needed to get her back. He was going to kill her.
Come on! Come on! I was pleading in my head.
I decided to rub my stomach.
“Help Mummy out come on.” I gently whispered to my stomach. I blinked and when I opened my eyes. I was inside an office with Mika and the prime- minister.
“I hope you know I am going to kill you both.” he told us.
The white door to the office swung open.
“I don't think you are. We have been on to you for years.” It was my father's old MI5 boss. He was now in charge of the whole agency. It was good to know that higher forces were now on our side.