Isla Stone: Witch way Read online

Page 9

  “They took her! They have Mary! She's been captured!” sobbed Alex.

  I knelt down to hug Alex. Her blood was soaking into my clothes. We needed to leave. I knew we would be safe if we went back to the house because I knew Mika would not go back there now.

  I ran to the bag Mary had left behind and grabbed one of the emergency transportation potions. I smashed it onto the ground and all three of us were now standing in the hall way of the house. I sat Tobias and Alex down as I ran down the hallway.

  We kept an emergency first aid kit in the basement for 'supernatural emergencies' I knew there was a kit inside to help us stitch Alex's face back to stop the blood. Alex screamed in pain as I slowly put her skin back together. After ten minutes it was done. We all knew she would be scarred for life.

  Tobias explained to me that as the three of them had arrived into the future the prime minister and Mika were waiting for them. They fought and Mika slashed Alex's face with a knife. They kidnapped Mary and disappeared. Mary was one of the best witches around. Without her help we were weaker. I knew it and so did the others.

  All I wanted to do was tell Tobias I was pregnant but I knew it would be too much to take at the moment. He would stop me from the fight and I would never be able to take down the prime-minister and Mika. The positive about carrying this baby was the power. As the baby inside of me would grow so would its power meaning I would get stronger day by day.

  We all decided to sleep in the living room and stay together for extra protection. Tobias put his arm around me as he fell asleep. It was nice sleeping in his arms. Everything had happened so fast. It had not actually sunk in that we were actually husband and wife now.

  Looking back to last year I could never imagine being this in love and married. I know it was rushed, but I was finally in love and there was no way I was letting him go. Tobias and Alex are the only family I have now and neither of them are actually blood relatives. My father was dead and Mika was dead to me for everything she had put my family through.

  I had realised that life was far from perfect, most newly weds have the support of their parents and siblings but we had none of that. It made me think more about the environment I was going to be bringing my child into, it would have no Grandparents no Auntie only Tobias and myself. It was risky. After witnessing the deaths I have in my time I knew it was important to ensure I kept myself out of danger so that my daughter would not have to lose us. For the first time in my entire supernatural life I had considered giving up witchcraft all together.

  For now I knew the fight was important not only for us but for the world as a whole. I needed to win the battle and create a safe world for my daughter to be born into. As far as I was concerned it was do or die. But if I win and survive the fight I will not take my life for granted and for the safety of my new family I would not risk my life by fighting evil witches any more. This was going to be my last fight, it was going to be big and I needed to prepare myself for it.

  To be successful we needed to get Mary back. I felt I was nothing without her power and knowledge I knew she was all we needed to help us create a plan to take Mika and the prime-minister down. Trying to imagine the future if we win the fight was difficult; Especially after seeing the devastation the battle leaves. I have seen for myself the consequences of us being beaten. The world was an entirely different place and I would not get to see my own daughter grow up. This was not an option for me. But, in saying that I am pretty sure it was not an option for my own mother to die and miss watching us grow up.

  As Tobias and Alex slept I decided to take a walk around the house. Childhood memories were coming back to me in every room I walked into. As I stepped into the kitchen my whole body went numb. A light flashed through my eyes. It was like I had stepped back in time.

  In front of me I could see twelve year old Mika crying. My father and I were comforting her. I was having a flashback, it became obvious to me that my powers that I inherited from my mother were becoming stronger within me as my memories were becoming more vivid, it was like I was back there.

  My father comforted my younger sister.

  “But Dad! They won't stop teasing me. I hate them!” cried Mika.

  I remember it like it was yesterday, it was Mika's first year at the academy and she was being bullied.

  “I tell you what dear, why don't you ruin them from their own façade.” my father replied.


  I needed to throw up. Waking up was becoming a difficult task. We had spent five consecutive days stuck in the house with no word from Mika and the Prime-minister at all. My pregnancy was becoming more difficult to hide from Tobias and Alex. A small bump had started to appear on my stomach. I knew we needed to defeat them before I was too big to fight.

  None of us had come up with a master plan to rescue Mary, to be honest we were screwed. Totally screwed. The only positive thing from waiting was that as my pregnancy was progressing my powers were becoming stronger day by day.

  I still found it weird looking in my own wardrobe for clothes. It felt like I had been away for so long that this was no longer my home. I ruffled through a pile of clothes to find a baggy outfit to cover up my expanding stomach. I did not know how long it would take until the birth of my child. The thing with supernatural pregnancies is that every case is different, some are the same length as a usual nine month human pregnancy but its not uncommon for a four month pregnancy to be a full term supernatural pregnancy.

  As I stood in my room dressing to cover my bump it had hit me. I had finally realised what my father was saying.

  “Ruin them from their own façade!” I shouted out loudly.

  This was it, this was the plan. This is how we would rescue Mary. We would become one of them. Alex, Tobias and I went through the plan. I was going to take a potion and shape shift into Willow Rose. She was in the prime-ministers group. She had access to everything. No one would question her walking around his headquarters.

  I was to go in alone. Find Mary and she would get us out of their.

  “I can't let you go on your own, please let me go with you.” begged Tobias repeatedly.

  “No! I need to go alone, it will reduce the risk of casualties if something goes wrong. You need to keep safe.” I replied to my husband.

  Alex agreed with me and eventually Tobias came around to the idea of me going it alone. The prime- ministers headquarters were located in London. I knew I would not be able to get in through the front door. Even though I could make myself look like Willow a government building would recognise fake ID on the door straight away.

  We decided that the teleport potion was the best option for me to get in. I had been to the headquarters enough times during my Fathers time working their to know my way around.

  I held a photo of Willow in my left hand and with my right hand I lit the photograph alight. Tobias then threw the potion over me. My body slowly started to change. I looked down to the floor and the size of my feet changed and my legs suddenly got shorter. I touched the top of my head and my hair felt completely different. I was transformed.

  “Just call me Willow.” I chuckled.

  I gave Alex a hug and gently kissed Tobias on the cheek. If everything goes to plan then I will be back home with Mary in no time. If not, then this may be the last time I see them. All I could think of was saving Mary, winning the battle against the prime-minister and running off into the sunset to raise my daughter with Tobias.

  I smashed the potion vile onto the ground and voilà! I was now standing in the toilets of the headquarters. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. Staring back at me was Willow.

  I exited the toilets and made my way down one of the hallways. The headquarters were amazing. The floor was white and the lights bounced off of them. All of the walls inside were made of glass meaning you could see into all of the offices. I knew exactly where I needed to go to get Mary. We had kept many evil beings captive here over the years and I knew where they would be keeping Mary.

  “Willow!” a man's voice shouted from behind me.

  I was trying to do anything to not be found out so I kept on walking. My heart was pounding and the palms of my hand started to become really clammy.

  “Willow! Please, where have you been? I have been trying to contact you and nothing!” Said the voice again.

  I decided it was best to just turn around and hope my childhood acting classes came in well.

  “Uh, What do you want, I am busy!” I grunted as I turned around.

  The man standing behind me was rather handsome. He was wearing a suit and I had never seen him before.

  “You have been gone for months! I know you are working on a top secret job for the prime-minister but that's no excuse to ignore me, I thought we had something.” Said the man angrily.

  Oh no! If Willow has been on a job away from here it will be weird for people to be seeing her around here again. I did not want to speak to the man much longer in case he found me out.

  “Like I said I am busy so leave me alone!” I grunted to him once again.

  The elevator that I needed to get to was not to far away now. I turned left at the end of the corridor and there it was. The staff here nick named it the elevator of hell. Only people with authority in the supernatural world were allowed into the elevator. It led to the dungeons of evil beings. I knew this is where they would be keeping Mary captive as there is a Magical block in the room. So her powers would be useless to her down there.

  It was risky, if they found out who I really was my powers would mean nothing and I would instantly become at risk and more than likely be murdered. I approached the elevator. In front of the doors was a secretary at a desk. I approached her nervously.

  “I need to go to the dungeons.” I demanded trying to recreate Willows attitude.

  “Are you sure you want to go down alone. The prime-minister did tell you last time it was too dangerous.” replied the secretary with a shaky voice as though she was scared of Willow.

  I think I was getting to much into the role of playing Willow as I burst out an angry sentence. “Listen to me. I am your boss. Do as I say or lose your job and I will make sure you never work again! Who do you think you are disobeying me?”

  The secretary took a deep breathe and apologised to me. The doors to the elevator opened. As they closed behind me I took in a breathe. I had made it in. I was so happy. I got this far and I knew Mary would be there.

  The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. I stepped out into the dungeons. Since my childhood the dungeons had changed a lot. Mika and I would have to come down here to see if we could identify my mothers killer. When we were younger it was damp and each cell just had magical metal bars locking the beings up.

  Nowadays the dungeons were much more modern. There were laser doors keeping the beings locked up. If they tried to escape they would be incinerated straight away. Next to each laser cell was a touch screen door pad. I walked over to the first cell trying to find Mary.

  I peered in through the door. There was a cloaked man sitting in the corner furiously smashing his head into the wall. I slowly made my way to the second cell trying to not distract the prisoners. Sitting on the floor in the middle of cell two was an old man. I could tell straight away what he was. He was a vampire, he had a muzzle around his mouth and his clothes and arms were all covered in blood. As I made my way to the third cell I could see her.

  She looked awful. She had lost weight and her skin was nearly as grey as her hair.

  “Willow, let me go. You know what you are doing is wrong. Please. I am going to die in here.” begged Mary.

  “Mary its me. Isla.” I whispered.

  Her face lit up like a firework. Then her mood completely changed again.

  “Quick we need to get out of here now. If they see you they will kill you.” Mary gasped.

  I touched the screen pad at the door. Entered in Willows name. A finger scanner appeared. I placed my hand onto the pad.

  “Confirmed: Willow Rose. Pod will open in Five, Four, Three, Two, One.” the robotic voice said.

  The lasers on Mary's door turned off, she launched her self toward me and hugged me.

  “I need to show you something.” Mary sounded quite excited about it whatever it was.

  I heard the doors to the elevator open and my heart stopped. I turned around to see Mika burst through the doors.

  “Show yourself. Who dares impersonates me.” Screamed Mika.

  “This is what I was trying to show you.” Explained Mary.

  It had finally all become clear. Willow's top secret job was to become My sister. She had been doing a top secret job for months according to the man earlier meaning that she has been impersonating my sister for months! Meaning that it was not Mika who killed my mother and father after all.

  “ Where is my sister you murdering bitch?” I yelled.

  “She's with all the other Evil witches, this is where she belongs now. And you will not save her.” laughed Willow as she transformed from Mika to herself.

  My body changed back as well. I was now back to myself.

  “You silly little witch, you were clever enough to know magical powers do not work down here but you were not clever enough to realise that body deceiving spells wear off after five minutes of being down here.

  “Why have you done this?” I demanded to know.

  “As now once again Isla I am one up on you. You won our feud in school but I’ve won in the real world.” Willow announced sarcastically.

  “I was better than you in school so you proved a point by killing my parents and pretending to be my sister?” I could not understand why she would do this.

  “Just like you Isla I want the power! Teaming up with him gave me that power!”

  “Free my sister. Now!” I demanded willow freed her.

  “I don't think anyone will be freed today. I am going to kill you all. I am so close to achieving what I want and now I am unstoppable.” Screamed Willow.

  “Your powers are unless down here there is two of us and one of you.” I laughed cockily knowing that I could take her down with Mary even with Mary being so weak.

  Willow reached into the back of her trousers. I knew what was about to happen. It was like I was thrown into an action film suddenly I knew what she was reaching for. I quickly jumped to the floor and pushed Mary down with me as Willow pulled the handgun forward and fired a shot. Luckily she missed.

  “Get up now!” she demanded.

  “We need to both run forward she can only shoot one of us.” suggested Mary.

  We both stood up slowly. We ran towards her as fast as we could. The gun was aimed right at me. I jumped through the air to tackle Willow to the ground. A shot went off. I lunged into Willow and pushed her down. I slowly looked back to see if Mary was OK. She was still standing. I was scuffling around with Willow on the floor. Trying to keep her down. The gun flew out of her arms and slid across the floor.

  Blood was pouring over me. As I looked at my right leg I realised I had been hit by the bullet in my thigh on my right leg. I felt no pain though. Maybe it was the baby's strength or the adrenaline but nothing was stopping me. I pinned Willow down and wrapped my hands around her neck.

  “Why? Why would you do this to us?” I demanded answers.

  “He forced me. If there was another way then it would have been different. He wanted power and so did I this was my only option. He gave me a choice, join me and be powerful or go against me and die. I did what anyone in my situation would do.” Willow said as she gasped for air.

  She was wrong. I know if I was in that situation I would never kill an innocent person. I raised my hand and forced a punch my fist hit her cheek.